Risco lightsys 2

On the technical manual there are no instructions to reset it without the keyboard, the keyboard remains locked and restarts when sent.
When I'm off I also turn on only with the mains but nothing

If you have the installation manual, there shou;d be a section on defaulting the unit, can you find the section about defaulting the codes only?

default the codes and then follow the procedure from first start up that is in the manual.

If you are still struggling call Tech support in Italy and or a local installer.

Not sure I can help any further at this moment in time unfortortunately.
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Nn riesce a procurarmi il firmware originale e il software uniprog?
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Called they do not provide assistance to private individuals
Can't you get me the original firmware and uniprog software?

Unfortunately not, I can’t request firmware other than via the CS software, for that I would have to connect to the panel and the panel currently does not have a connection.

If this was working fine, then either something has been damaged or something has been tampered with.

With respect to your cloud connection, are you paying your subscription?

you can down power your system and reconnect the keypad directly on some new short cable, this would eliminate some possible issues.

Even if we had the tools to give you for Italy we would be breaking our agreement with Risco in doing so.

You may be able to find the software program online via Google search, you may need a specific version for your panel firmware.

The CS software in the UK changed to add a new layer of security, this was installer credentials, not sure what happened within the EU or Italy specifically.

Unless you have physically reprogrammed the system or attempted a firmware update would you need to reprogram the unit or reflash the panel.

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