Rishi's National Service nonsense

The national service idea isn't practical.

Voting might be
Silly idea to give 16 year olds the vote.
They would probably vote to abolish conscription at 18.
Most 16 year olds are too immature to make sensible decisions.
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Silly idea to give 16 year olds the vote.
They would probably vote to abolish conscription at 18.
Most 16 year olds are too immature to make sensible decisions.
Im not saying they are wise enough at 16. But if they are old enough to be able to work and pay tax then why not?.

Lots of people at 18, 21 or even 30's and 40's aren't wise enough either
Volunteer armies are supposed to be more effective in war.
Will non British citizens living in the UK be liable for consciption.
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Will non British citizens living in the UK be liable for consciption.
They aren't proposing conscription at all. They can chose to do some menial work at weekends for a year. Don't be sucked in by the headlines.
A bunch of Conservative Party members voted to make Liz Truss Prime Minister.

I bet not one of them was under 60

“Sensible decisions” :ROFLMAO:

And nobody in Labour voted for Gordon Brown to become leader and PM, in fact nobody voted for Brown at all
Most 16 year olds are too immature to make sensible decisions
What about the senile old gits...

Aren't they too 'mature' to make sensible decisions? ;)

Maybe there should be a cut off age for voting!
A better idea might be to conscript them to work in the NHS, community care or hop picking in Kent.
Although some sort of national service is good in principle.
Will non British citizens living in the UK be liable for consciption.
I hope not we have a big enough problem as it is with self taught murders and boomers without UK tax payers actually teaching them how to do it. Probably best to exclude certain religions in that respect.
Volunteer armies are supposed to be more effective in war.
Will non British citizens living in the UK be liable for consciption.
First of all, i'd like to hear why you think a volunteer army is more effective than a professional army.

And Sunny Rish! plans to bring back mandatory service.
Most 16 year olds are too immature to make sensible decisions.
"...Let's give Britons gammons a vote on the future of the UK...." look how that turned out. Sensible my arse.
Brexit - total pile of shít.

Remind us how old Liz Truss is and the idiots that put her into power.
This country couldn't have national service. It's too far gone.
Our youngsters are not balanced enough for such a thing. We as a nation are too devided, mainly because of Immigration.

Racism towards the immigrants in this country and the skewd response from the left on how to tackle racism has left a devide.
It's a horrible cocktail .

Other countries have dealt with Immigration far better than we have. There seems alot more unity amongst its people, hence why they will fight for their flag.

Can you imagine young Pakistani or Bangladeshi youngsters wanting to fight for this country?

I can't...

Indians would, lots of blacks would. Manley because they feel British and not claim to be Indian British or black British.

The Poles would fight with us. As would the Italians and many other children of parents from another country. It's because they have wanted to integrate into this country.

I await the barrage.
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