road wars

14 Sep 2004
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United Kingdom
15 year old got 4 month for GBH after starting a fight with an old man.

some other youth got caught after a police chase for stealing vehicle, no insurance, no drivin licence etc etc. and he gets 100 hours community service.

this country is all ****ed up
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gord55 said:
Which offence do you think is the worst, Andy?

drivin dangerously from police could have a far worse outcome. he should have got locked up, not 100 hours community service
Andy K .... I will bare bones scrap you .. anyway in Manchester an I swear on my life/local VBs lads ,
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Roll up! Roll up for the fight of the century! We will be answering that eternal question: who would win in a fight between a Geordie and a Mank?

Odds are 100:1 for the Mank to win ;)

I think the car stealing is worse, but given a choice between my car being nicked or my dad getting set upon, I would rather my car was nicked. However, that is rather obvious.

Lock them both up. :LOL:
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