The truth about 'Road Pricing'...

Are you saying Tony Blair never made that statement?

Oh yeah sorry Softus, I forgot politicians still lies
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Stulz wrote

Have you actually read up on anything you just spoke of.


Brussels has no legal powers over a National Government in the way you describe,

Where have I described Brussels having legal powers over a national government and anyway I hardly think an ex squaddie has the intelligence to understand such an area.

and if the Government here chose to call a referendum then Europe has no jurisdiction over that decision.

For now they haven't.

If Brussels actually advised the Irish Government to do another referendum then the decision was made by the Irish Government and no Brussels.

Its called corruption no matter who instigated the second referendum.
The first one was legal and binding but Brussels refused to accept it and used their powers to force another one.

Is the system perfect, of course not,

:LOL: :LOL: :LOL:.

Brussels has influence and it may have abused powers to sway a decision in Ireland,

Without a doubt.

but it has no powers of the type you state. FACT.

What powers of whatever type have I stated ?.
masona said:
Are you saying Tony Blair never made that statement?

Oh yeah sorry Softus, I forgot politicians still lies

Bliar actually made that statement in 1995...

Softus is just trying to intimate that it was all lies as if he knew it all along... ;)
ellal said:
masona said:
Are you saying Tony Blair never made that statement?

Oh yeah sorry Softus, I forgot politicians still lies

Bliar actually made that statement in 1995...

Softus is just trying to intimate that it was all lies as if he knew it all along... ;)
Yep, you're right, Blair made so many lies I'm getting confused :LOL:
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Stulz wrote

You'd also definitly be wrong. I was in the Royal Marines for 22 years and actually fought for this country so people like you have the freedoms to write that drivel.

You mean you were a bullet catcher for war mongering leaders trying to boost their ego's.
I hardly think you fought for any of the freedoms I currently have and if you and your ilk get you way on ID cards then some of those freedoms will be removed.
And regarding drivel I have never seen so much posted by your good self in this thread.
Softus said:
masona said:
Are you saying Tony Blair never made that statement?

Oh yeah sorry Softus, I forgot politicians still lies
I don't understand that sentence.
Softus said:
The type and quantity of spending is entirely different, so if you ever believed the statement that TB made way back in 1998, then more fool you.
Sorry if I got that wrong, you says " then more fool you" I'm not sure what you mean, I'm a bit confused now :oops:
Balenza said:
Stulz wrote

You'd also definitly be wrong. I was in the Royal Marines for 22 years and actually fought for this country so people like you have the freedoms to write that drivel.

You mean you were a bullet catcher for war mongering leaders trying to boost their ego's.
I hardly think you fought for any of the freedoms I currently have and if you and your ilk get you way on ID cards then some of those freedoms will be removed.
And regarding drivel I have never seen so much posted by your good self in this thread.

Well to be blunt about things, gutless windbags like you make me puke. I'll lay odds you'd **** your pants at the thought of anything dangerous, let alone putting your life on the line for something you believe in, but as you believe in nothing than yourself there is no danger of that is there.

Yes I put my life on the line, not for the politicians, but so that gutless ******s like you could talk your *******s.

You and I may disagree on certain things, but if you want to get really personal then I can assure you that gutless windbags like you do not have the intelligence nor the savvy to succeed.

You may think me a squaddy, but as I was a Royal Marine and thus not a member of the Army, it nshows you know NOTHING.

There are people on this forum who object to ID cards, as is their right, but they do so with reasoned, if in my opinion, flawed arguments, but you just talk bullshit because your a coward who would urinate in his trousers should a female speak to not worth the waste of breath.

To all other members here, I apologise for this out of charachter response, but I am somewhat ****ed and gutless arsewipes like this make me puke.
Stulz said:
Balenza said:
Stulz wrote

You'd also definitly be wrong. I was in the Royal Marines for 22 years and actually fought for this country so people like you have the freedoms to write that drivel.

You mean you were a bullet catcher for war mongering leaders trying to boost their ego's.
I hardly think you fought for any of the freedoms I currently have and if you and your ilk get you way on ID cards then some of those freedoms will be removed.
And regarding drivel I have never seen so much posted by your good self in this thread.

Well to be blunt about things, gutless windbags like you make me puke. I'll lay odds you'd p**s your pants at the thought of anything dangerous, let alone putting your life on the line for something you believe in, but as you believe in nothing than yourself there is no danger of that is there.

Yes I put my life on the line, not for the politicians, but so that gutless **** like you could talk your ****.

You and I may disagree on certain things, but if you want to get really personal then I can assure you that gutless windbags like you do not have the intelligence nor the savvy to succeed.

You may think me a squaddy, but as I was a Royal Marine and thus not a member of the Army, it nshows you know NOTHING.

There are people on this forum who object to ID cards, as is their right, but they do so with reasoned, if in my opinion, flawed arguments, but you just talk bulls**t because your a coward who would urinate in his trousers should a female speak to not worth the waste of breath.

To all other members here, I apologise for this out of charachter response, but I am somewhat p****d and gutless arsewipes like this make me puke.

Stulz. I was taught at an early age - "never explain and never apologise" I'm not so disingenuous as to believe that advice as to be "gospel truth", but it does have a substance beyond the rhetoric.

You have put yourself "in the line of fire" for a sense of duty, I do not profess to understand that line of logic, nor would I try to. Suffice to say that I have a respect for you, and your actions, by virtue of the fact that you DID.

You do NOT need to explain yourself to any particular muppet who questions your actions without any applicable experience of their own, and you most certainly do NOT need to apologise to anybody who might just be "offended" by your need to feel "justified" in what you DID.

Conflict breeds unreasonable people, unreasonable people are necessary to further the evolution of humanity, Switzerland has endured many years of peace and tranquility, but have managed only to bless the world with cuckoo clocks, complex (but otherwise useless) "army" knives, plastic watches and a decent standard of dark chocolate.

In much less time, the world of conflict has thrown forth individuals such as Martin Luther King, John F Kennedy, Christian Bernhardt & Nelson Mandela, also, scientific breakthroughs like the discovery of the DNA double helix, atomic particle awareness and deep space exploration....

Over a similar time span to Switzerland's "cultural zenith" the Renaissance gave the world Leonardo da Vinci, William Shakespeare, Michael Angelo....

reasonable people adapt to their surroundings (w*****s!) unreasonable people expect that they have the ability and justification to change their surroundings according to their needs. Humanity NEEDS unreasonable people.

Within reason I perpetuate that advice - "never explain and never apologise".
Swiss army knife, one of the greatest inventions in the history of 'tools' Far from useless.

You obviously haven't worked out how to use the can opener yet ;)
PJHolyBloke: You've got this ass about face ... Conflict doesn't breed unreasonable people, unreasonable people breed conflict ;)

Just to add to this debate, I'm also ex-service who fought for Q&C (Falklands/Kuwait) and DON'T believe ID cards are a good idea despite having carried one throughout my service career.

The main difference ... The chip on the card holding far more information than is necessary for an ID card.

As I keep saying (and Stulz and co keep ignoring), I have no objection to the carrying of a card which identifies me as the person I claim to be. I have a problem with the wider agenda for these cards ... Healthcare information, police information, financial information all being stored on the chip.

Why is this all required on an identity card?

The simple answer ... It isn't and therein lies the fundamental objection to the current proposals.

Stulz: It is not for me to find substance to your rantings and yes I have heard of Google. It is obvious that you have also as your entire argument is based upon things you've stumbled across ... You have heard the old adage "you shouldn't believe everything you read in the papers" ... Same thing applies with search engines ... Lots of fact short on context.

You have yet to convince anyone of your remarkable statement that ID cards reduce terrorism and/or crime and the reason you WON'T be able to is that there have been no such studies as yet.

Keep Googling ... Keep ranting ... You're providing me with the best laugh I've had in ages.

Softus said:
ellal said:
FFS. :rolleyes:

says the big fan of the :rolleyes:

... ;)
Stulz wrote

Well to be blunt about things, gutless windbags like you make me puke.

What makes you think Im gutless ?.

I'll lay odds you'd p**s your pants at the thought of anything dangerous, let alone putting your life on the line for something you believe in, but as you believe in nothing than yourself there is no danger of that is there.

You know nothing about me so your in no position to judge. :rolleyes:

Yes I put my life on the line, not for the politicians, but so that gutless **** like you could talk your ****.


You and I may disagree on certain things, but if you want to get really personal then I can assure you that gutless windbags like you do not have the intelligence nor the savvy to succeed.

Like I said you know nothing about me.

You may think me a squaddy, but as I was a Royal Marine and thus not a member of the Army, it nshows you know NOTHING.

So you obviously think your tough. Im trembling in me boots. :rolleyes:

There are people on this forum who object to ID cards, as is their right, but they do so with reasoned, if in my opinion, flawed arguments, but you just talk bulls**t because your a coward who would urinate in his trousers should a female speak to not worth the waste of breath.

Your arguments for ID cards are equally flawed buddy.

To all other members here, I apologise for this out of charachter response, but I am somewhat p****d and gutless arsewipes like this make me puke

Yeeeee haaaaaaaaaa. Keep your knic@kers on. ;)
megawatt said:
As I keep saying (and Stulz and co keep ignoring), I have no objection to the carrying of a card which identifies me as the person I claim to be. I have a problem with the wider agenda for these cards ... Healthcare information, police information, financial information all being stored on the chip.

Why is this all required on an identity card?

The simple answer ... It isn't and therein lies the fundamental objection to the current proposals.

Stulz: It is not for me to find substance to your rantings and yes I have heard of Google. It is obvious that you have also as your entire argument is based upon things you've stumbled across ... You have heard the old adage "you shouldn't believe everything you read in the papers" ... Same thing applies with search engines ... Lots of fact short on context.

You have yet to convince anyone of your remarkable statement that ID cards reduce terrorism and/or crime and the reason you WON'T be able to is that there have been no such studies as yet.

Keep Googling ... Keep ranting ... You're providing me with the best laugh I've had in ages.


Mega, your arguments against the card are based on the idea of a chip being installed on it that holds personal information. If you bothered to read my posts I have stated several times that I am not happy with the current proposals, I have stated the technology is unproven on this front and that one of my objections to the cards as proposed is exactly your objection, had you actually stated this before then perhaps this thread would be a lot shorter!

You are being somewhat hypocritical, you accuse me of posting inaccurate information, yet provide none to support your claims, you accuse me of ranting, the only rant was actually last night when under the influence of alcohol. If someone does not hold the same view as you it is not ranting.

Let me make my position perfectly clear on the issue of ID cards once and for all so that there is no abiguity involved.

I 100% agree that the Uk needs a national ID card system, and do feel that it would be helpful to the general population if this card was also your driving licence and allowed free travel in Europe without the need for a passport. It would make many short trips and business trips easier.

I do not agree with the cards having the full raft of biometric data as has been proposed by the Government. The technology is unproven and it would allow the system to track people around the country, something I do not agree with as it removes the idea of a free society that many have fought for and many still are. Any proposition that would allow the Police, Security Services or other Government agencies to track a persons movements via their ID card I would oppose in the strongest possible way.

I do agree that the cards should have some data on that is totally unique to the person the card is issued to, such as Home address, emergency contact details, Blood group and allergy information. This could help to save lives and is not invading anyones privacy. They should have a scanned picture on them and the card should also have a unique and encrypted hexadecimal number that can be checked against a database of numbers created to verify the genuine nature of the card. Part of this hexadecimal number could be visible with say 4 digits hidden that are only known tot he user of the card. This could then be used for online payment verification.

Do I feel that the system would help to reduce terrorism, Not directly, however it will make things difficult for those who use multiple identities to avoid detection, and those who setup fake bank accounts to facilitate the laundering of money for these purposes, however these very same measures would also impact Organised crime for the self same reasons. Obviously it would not stop either in their tracks, anyone who claimed that would be a fool.

The system would also allow shop keepers and assistants to ask for the cards when a payment card was presented, thus reducing some of the fraud that continues. If the online system was altered to take a few details from the cards, then, if done correctly, online fraud could also be reduced.

The cards would prevent foreigners from abusing the NHS by simply rolling up and getting treated when they are not entitled to this treatment. Whilst this is not a huge problem for the NHS at this time, it is estimated to cost the NHS about £2 Billion annually. Money that could be spent treating those who are entitled to that treatment. Also, ID theft is on the rise within the Benefits system. Again not a major problem as yet, but any savings that can be realised would free up more cash for the most vulnerable, such as the elderly and the young.

Not once have I stated that ID cards would solve all crime, stop terrorism or be a panacea to create Utopia, they would be ONE weapon that could be used in the fight against many crimes that take place, and they are the only real method that can be introduced that has a chance of real inroads into removing Illegal Immigrants from the country.

I hope this will help to stop some of the rather silly comments made by some who have not read my comments properly, or because of how I have written some comments I have not made my views clear so caused confusion.
Stulz said:
Well to be blunt about things, gutless windbags like you make me puke. I'll lay odds you'd p**s your pants at the thought of anything dangerous.................
gutless arsewipes like this make me puke.
Glad to see you are staying good to your word and not insulting other posters here :rolleyes:
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