I've just remembered what you remind me of. It's a no longer in common usage term, but worth digging out of the archives for special people like you. Its "a spazz"
had to google that one dex
1.) adj. word used to describe someone who you think is completely idiotic, and is acting immaturely or retarded.
spaz or spazz (spz) Offensive Slang
n. pl. spazz·es
One who is considered clumsy or inept.
In particular Stevefixeffall, typing without an appropriate use of full stops, commas, capital letters etc is a sign of laziness. It was indeed taught in schools back in the nineties, as indeed was basic keyboard skills and one has to worry how your lack of eye for such relatively trivial details bodes for your alleged profession. As indeed does your difficulty in communicating in clear and concise language, which one would have hoped you would have picked up through osmosis during all that reading you will have done whilst you developed your professional skills.
Using a local dialect in your writing is fine, providing it can be easily read and understood.