HS2 is worthless, why oh why do consqueutive governments not invest in somewhere north of Birmingham, not all of us want to go near the cesspit called the SE, but to earn money we're forced to. Madness. Let us move about, we might start contributing and stop the southern moans, we're sick to the back teeth of it.
All the money is concentrated in finance in London and land / property ownership.
House prices are highest in the commuter belt, IE around the train stations of kent and surrey.
The industrial North has only seen a fragile recovery since Thatcher made us a service econony. This country needs high investment in education, infrastructure and technology to revitalise the traditional industrial regions.
I was hearing about people from Sunderland -they were saying Nissan is a massive employer -apparently everybody knows someone that works at Nissan or satellite businesses -if they leave it would cause huge damage there.
I suspect that any form of dare I say the B word will increase money flowing to London and even less to the regions.