The only problem I have is that little twerp that introduces the programme, some rogues going to pinch his bottom someday.
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Those two di ck heads on the motorbike need to go round their bosses houses or stick some hidden cams in there offices and see these fat cats
soak all are money up, where is all this money going its legalised robbery
i would like to see what those two prats charge for going round on a motor bike and picking on the working class and they say they are breaking the law they wanna look at themselfs the money grabbing **************
I love that Rogue Traders, but I do think they ought to get a bird with big *** to dress up in leathers and ride the bike. Then they should make it clash with Eastenders to really wind up Mrs Meldrew. :p :evil:
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And quese whats on tonight thats right rogue traders and once again its the plumbers what about the fat cat at the BBC............ Stick is head on the block BBC where sick of this programme try rogue fat cats
Richardp said:
but whats the point in that little twerp dressing up as an old man?

To waste some more of the licence fee so they have an excuse to put it up!

Bloomin' cheek in my view. How can the BBC warrant putting it up when it shouldnt even exist. Just advertise if you have to :evil:
countygardens said:
To waste some more of the licence fee so they have an excuse to put it up!

Bloomin' cheek in my view. How can the BBC warrant putting it up when it shouldnt even exist. Just advertise if you have to :evil:
You'd be shocked if you knew the true scale of wastage there. :eek:
It tickled me slightly that last nights rogue trader was a plumber called Kevin. Whose name bears absolutely no relation to anyone, living or dead on this forum, and is totally coincidental. (He also traded in the Staffs area :LOL:)
Eddie M said:
It tickled me slightly that last nights rogue trader was a plumber called Kevin. Whose name bears absolutely no relation to anyone, living or dead on this forum, and is totally coincidental. (He also traded in the Staffs area :LOL:)
yes you have quest it
it was kevplumb!!!!
B.O.B DOLE said:
Eddie M said:
It tickled me slightly that last nights rogue trader was a plumber called Kevin. Whose name bears absolutely no relation to anyone, living or dead on this forum, and is totally coincidental. (He also traded in the Staffs area :LOL:)
yes you have quest it
it was kevplumb!!!!

Hmm, I believe that may be libellous. As I said the coincidence made me smile, no more.
last time i was down there it was willenhall
i think i had a good weekend tween the "red lion" and the "acorn" ;)
told yoe afore marra they don't come this far north :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
What annoys me is building trade workers are easy targets....yes there are a lot of con men in the trade but we arn't all like that.

Its just the media generalising again..picking on what they read in the papers....same with football...two films have been made recently about hooligans....and both featured Millwall...they just add things

Its almost like the lazy journalism you see in the tabloids.

I cant for the life of me understand why they pay the con men on rogue traders....if they are so bad they they should bounce the cheques.

What they also fail to mention is the numbers of people out their who have work done...and dont pay for it, For every ten rogue traders theres probably one rogue customer...or people that try and knock you down after you have done the job.

Id love to see them chase a gang of gypo tarmackers..or the ones who come round asking if you want upvc only , no names, no numbers...and silicone everywhere!

Tips for you all when you get someone in to quote for work...

Always ask for a written quote..not an estimate..

Ask to see their insurance cover

Dont rely to much on qualifications....they are handy...but there are a lot of good tradesmen/women out there with none.....and a lot of rubbish with an armfull of certificates..

References......anyone can get their mother in law to write one...

Ask for an approximate start date and completion date...if the price is well within your budget then offer a decent drink if they get it done on time.

Dont EVER say to someone 'x £' thats great, I thought it would be much more...that doesnt include materials obviously".....because it might actually include the materials....and a quick thinking guy may say 'oh no'...and add them on....

I could have had so many guilible customers on like that...decent tradespeople wont do it.....others may....

I always ask for people just to give me their best quote and tell them im not going to knock them down...but the best price or the best deal will get the job..

I never come down on a price because it gives the customer the impression I would have been happy to take unecessary money off of them in the first place.

I gave a customer a price recently (£460) and quick as a flash she said...'can you do it for £420?'....I said..'why would I want to do that?'...and then said do you ask them to do that when you go to Tescos?.....

The reply....."I go to Asda"

She wasnt getting the message really was she! :rolleyes:
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