Hi - newbie here - first post so please bear with me
Doing a renovation on my apt and have lifted all floorboards as levels are all over, I've discovered that a few of my joist ends are rotten - pic attached. I believe this was due to a historic leak but the water ingress has been stopped.
I'd like to repair ideally without affecting the ceiling of the downstairs apartment - what are my options?
I wanted to sister all the joists (as a way to level them), and have seen I could do this to strengthen the rotten joists, but I'm not sure (1) how I'd cut the rotten sections away above without being able to support from underneath? and (2) I also have herringbone struts which prevents me from sistering end to end - are these removable / should I replace with noggins?
Would love some advice, Cheers
Doing a renovation on my apt and have lifted all floorboards as levels are all over, I've discovered that a few of my joist ends are rotten - pic attached. I believe this was due to a historic leak but the water ingress has been stopped.
I'd like to repair ideally without affecting the ceiling of the downstairs apartment - what are my options?
I wanted to sister all the joists (as a way to level them), and have seen I could do this to strengthen the rotten joists, but I'm not sure (1) how I'd cut the rotten sections away above without being able to support from underneath? and (2) I also have herringbone struts which prevents me from sistering end to end - are these removable / should I replace with noggins?
Would love some advice, Cheers