Rubbish bag 'tax' to encourage recycling

You don't have to burn junk mail or put it in the rubbish bin,
do what I do and put 'RTS' on it and stick it back in the post
box. That will slow them down a bit.
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We have a black wheeliebin for general rubbish which is collected fortnightly.

We have a green wheeliebin for garden waste, which is collected fortnightly along with cans, glass and paper.

Most of our plastic we drop off at collection points and all green kitchen waste is composted in the garden.

For a family of 4 our general waste wheeliebin is usually about 1/3 full each fortnight because most stuff gets recycled.

Last week our next-door neighbour asked me if she could put a bag in our black wheeliebin as hers was full and I said no problem. When I told my wife she said I should have made the point to the neighbour that if she recycled stuff she shouldn't have to ask. Fair point.
When fortnightly collections become the norm, i suspect a lot of bin sharing to happen. It already happens on our street, we are friendly with our neighbours, and they understand at times like christmas, when we create a lot of rubbish. Some of our neighbours are just bonkers with the amount of rubbish they create. For example, theres a guy, his wife, and his 4 year old son and new baby. Their bin is overflowing every week, by about a full black sack! Thats just daft, surely they can recycle more.

speaking of binmen . . . . here they are doing a fine job emptying our green bins (is this the most modern bin lorry in the country or what? ;) )

Where we used to live we had our rubbish collected fortnightly and in spite of our best efforts to wrap food waste to stop flies, in the summer months after 2 weeks the bin would reek and was usually home to a maggot infestation by this time.

I complained to the council that bi-weekly collections of household waste were unhygienic and unacceptable and was told that I should keep the lid closed to avoid flies entering the bin and laying eggs.

Still trying to work out how to get rubbish in bin without opening lid.....

Seriously, I'm up for recycling as much as poss, but don't understand how charging by weight will work. If the binmen weigh the bins before emptying them who's to say you won't get wrongly charged for your neighbour's waste? And once charges are introduced there's no limit is there? So it becomes yet another tax.
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Most of 'em are at full stretch collecting a bag and lobbing it into the waggon never mind weighing and charging ... total load of bulox.
How many would dispute the weight? demand a re-weigh .. if they can find the stuff.
We'd be back to the milkman rip off scenario .. No wonder they have almost disappeared - never met an honest one... Mind you after the first cheating never used another either.
Update .. new system began June 5 ..... This is the 2nd week with garbage bags remaining outside gates past 1 pm !! Under the old system collections were completed 8 - 8-30 am

Safety of binmen my ar se !! They are cutting staff !
How can authorities continually make changes for the worst?
It must be Govn. lead... All spin and bullshot !

Pizzed off out west :confused:
A few random thoughts:

1) Start refusing to buy products with excessive packaging on them or remove the packaging at the tills and leave it behind for the shop (who have to pay for all their rubbish to be taken away) to deal with.

2) Encourage the installation of waste-disposal units in parallel with expanding the treatment of sewage to turn it into compost - the extra nutrients that come via the disposal of organic waste in waste disposal units make the product more valuable.

3) Rather than RTS, bundle as much randomly shuffled junk mail into the reply-paid envelopes that they provide as you can, and post it back, as that costs them money.

4) Something I've always wondered - what if you put a notice up, clearly visible to anyone delivering post etc, stating that you do not want bulk mail items (i.e. anything not individually addressed), and that anyone delivering such will be deemed to have agreed to pay a £50 disposal charge.

Then when the Royal Mail, or the local estate agent, pizza restaurant etc stuff junk in your letter box, send them an invoice. And when they don't pay, hit them with a small claims court action. You probably won't win, and it'll probably cost you a bit of dosh, but it should them off big-time (and with Royal Mail, probably will cost them more, as they'll have to get their lawyers onto it). And it might be a bit of fun.
hermes said:
We have a black wheeliebin for general rubbish which is collected fortnightly.

We have a green wheeliebin for garden waste, which is collected fortnightly along with cans, glass and paper.

Most of our plastic we drop off at collection points and all green kitchen waste is composted in the garden.

For a family of 4 our general waste wheeliebin is usually about 1/3 full each fortnight because most stuff gets recycled.

Last week our next-door neighbour asked me if she could put a bag in our black wheeliebin as hers was full and I said no problem. When I told my wife she said I should have made the point to the neighbour that if she recycled stuff she shouldn't have to ask. Fair point.

I am talking 1.5 'pedal bin bags' per wk. from family of 4.
We are recycling everything possible... I think that deserves a better service, not worse, certainly not extra cost never mind threats of summons and fines.

The 'street wise' have been heard murmuring that they support pay at the point of service ...
They know how to unload their rubbish, a midnight bag here and there perhaps with an addressed envelope belonging to someone else in the bag..
How to do?
Easy, require two envelopes enclose first with second, cut stamp window in outer envelope, allow inner stamp to show through.

Address outer envelope to self .. post it.
On receipt burn outer envelope, address inner, stamped, franked envelope to that person you dislike, pop that in the full size bin bag with no other correspondence, dump it anywhere.
When Mr. Clever from council looks at contents .. "Ah-ha Mr Unliked eh we'll 'av 'im"
Poor old Mr Disliked may have to prove his innocence... Or certainly have a hard time over the situation .. cost to dumper? One 2nd class stamp... Cheaper than 25p per kilo and he gets a bonus potential character assassination chucked in..

Ok, a little over the top, but the 'fly' will be miles ahead of the council man concerned about that pension.

Upshot? They can charge the compliant more for clearing up the ensuing fly tipping .. fix that ... But retain the 'extra' cost = profit.
ban-all-sheds said:
1) Start refusing to buy products with excessive packaging on them or remove the packaging at the tills and leave it behind for the shop (who have to pay for all their rubbish to be taken away) to deal with.
Dont you DARE! For once, ban, I disagree. Its not the shop's fault they sell products with too much packaging. So to unload all the excess stuff on the cashier is very unfair. Its not her/his fault, and its probably not even the manager's fault, or whoever is on customer services. Its head office who decides what products the store stocks, so if you're gonna blame anyone who works for a supermarket giant, go to head office and dump the rubbish there. Even better, send the rubbish to the manufacturer of the product, after all, they are directly responsible for it. DO NOT blame the cashier or leave your crap with her. She is probably having a bad day thanks to idiot customers not using manners, stating the obvious and doing niggling little things that get to you when you spend 8 hours at a time at a till.

rant over.
Dump the wrappings in the shop ! .. You'd probably get shot in the shoulder, be on tv for a week or so then banged up for 6 months reduced to 37.8 minutes on promise of behaviour stopping short of manslaughter with a confession of suburban terry-ism. ;)
crafty1289 said:
ban-all-sheds said:
1) Start refusing to buy products with excessive packaging on them or remove the packaging at the tills and leave it behind for the shop (who have to pay for all their rubbish to be taken away) to deal with.
Dont you DARE! For once, ban, I disagree. Its not the shop's fault they sell products with too much packaging.
Yes it is - their buyers choose the products.

If their buyers said "No - we won't stock that - too much packaging" then the manufacturers would change.

Just how many (or rather how few) people working for Tesco, Sainsbury, Asda, Waitrose, Morrisons etc would it take to put a stop to wasteful packaging?

Just how many (or rather how few) people working for Tesco, Sainsbury, Asda, Waitrose, Morrisons etc would it take to put a stop to importing baby vegetables from halfway around the world?

Just how many (or rather how few) people working for Tesco, Sainsbury, Asda, Waitrose, Morrisons etc would it take to put a stop to the unbelievably cr.ap products that they stuff on their shelves?

Sorry, but by their actions, and by the actions they refuse to take, and by their choice of goods to sell, supermarkets show that they have nothing but contempt for their suppliers, nothing but contempt for the environment, and nothing but contempt for their customers.

I use them only because they have been so successful in making it almost impossible for me to not use them, but I am under no illusions about who they really care about, and I want them to be under no illusions about the fact that I feel contempt for them.

So to unload all the excess stuff on the cashier is very unfair. Its not her/his fault, and its probably not even the manager's fault, or whoever is on customer services. Its head office who decides what products the store stocks, so if you're gonna blame anyone who works for a supermarket giant, go to head office and dump the rubbish there. Even better, send the rubbish to the manufacturer of the product, after all, they are directly responsible for it. DO NOT blame the cashier or leave your crap with her. She is probably having a bad day thanks to idiot customers not using manners, stating the obvious and doing niggling little things that get to you when you spend 8 hours at a time at a till.
[shrug]See above[/shrug]

Oh - and it's not my crap - I don't want it. I never asked for it. And I'll be damned if I'll take it away and make it mine.
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