Save Money On Your Shopping: Swapping This For That

11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
I have been inspired to do this after reading this: //

We too are finding ways to cut back what we spend. Shopping is a huge bill for us, as we have three young boys.

We are experimenting by buying different (cheaper) products than the ones we used to, to see if we can live with them.

One that surprised me was the toilet roll. I used to be a bogroll snob! I would buy a premium brand. Now we are trying Spring Force toilet roll, 9 pack for £1.99 at Tesco. That's cheaper than the Value brand and it's not bad.

A worthy saving against the Woofing brand.

If you buy what my Mum calls "Mother's Shame" or "Plastic bread", try the value loaves, there is not a huge deal of difference. £0.47 for a Value Wholemeal loaf, 800g.

We have stopped our milk at the milkman: it would now be in excess of 65p a pint. In an ideal world, I would buy from the milkman for the convenience, but with milk at 25p a pint in the supermarket (Creamfields Whole Milk, £1.00 / 4 pints), I've given in.

The boys like the Value squash, miles cheaper: 29p for 3/4 l.
If you buy pizza, try the cheaper varities. Trattoria Pizza, 99p for 350g.

You can save loads going to the various supermarkets just to pick up the special offers. However, you have to balance the time & diesel used to do this.

Also worth (if you can afford it) is to bulk buy the things that have a long shelf-life ( especially toiletries) when on special.

Please post here your tips for swapping your regular favorites for cheaper alternatives that are nearly as good and other tips to save money when shopping.
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One that surprised me was the toilet roll. I used to be a bogroll snob! I would buy a premium brand. Now we are trying Spring Force toilet roll, 9 pack for £1.99 at Tesco. That's cheaper than the Value brand and it's not bad.

Don't you find that your finger go's through the cheap brand ?

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Nicky Ultra loo roll from cheapie shops is the best that I've ever come across and it is cheap...

Lots of apples and other fruit still on the trees, get in there quick..

As a rule if you swap big brand stuff for supermarket own brand and in a blind taste test, you cant tell the difference then that is the best saving..
ALDI pork sausages are excellent at 89p. LIDL do a 5 blade razor which is excellent, and replacement blades are £1 instead of £2.50 for Gillette. LIDL shaving foam is as good as any & only 89p. Try things for yourself, the cheaper stuff is not always inferior.
be very wary off bogoffs and special offers 4 tins off tuna in sainsburys buy one get one free £6 would you pay £1.50p for a tin off tuna ?? off course not same tuna 4 tins iceland £3
a lot off "offers" are not as they are items that where inflated some where for a few weeks
we all assume that bigger is cheaper not always

some offers buy 3 for £3 when the individual items may only be £1.05p then you waste one as it goes out off date
I've got one of those kitchen roll holders on the wall and remember the days when the roll was so big that it was hard to turn - now, the same make of kitchen roll easily spins round with about an inch to spare.
You all sound like very savvy shoppers :)
You are right securespark almost everyone is trying to cut back on their spending. Aldi and Lidl can be very competitive specially on fruit and veg..... also we love red grape juice and its really nice from there and cheap.
You are right corgicrouch about own brands and I loved your post in the fuel section about all the bottling.....haven't used a kilner jar since I left school
(and that was many moons ago) but it makes so much sense, we have just become too used to convenience foods.
My main cutback has been on trying not to waste food...always bought far too much fruit and ended up not eating it .... trying to plan ahead more, not buying loads of salad and leaving it festering the fridge because we haven't eaten it :(
The bad times haven't even started. You don't realise just how good you've still got it.
I predicted this in the forum years ago. I'm not wrong. Things will be like in Greece in a few years.
Joe ....your predictions are absolutely amazing and you should be held in high esteem .... which of course I do :)

But I don't want to spend my life worrying about what will a happen 'tomorrow' I am here today safe and well and I intend to enjoy it.

PS I do know that you also actually have a sense of humour .... I know you can be very funny too. :)
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