Food Shop

I don't have a Nectar card and I'm not going to buy anything where the Nectar price is cheaper. Doesn't this just expose which foods are a massive rip off? I think it might backfire on Sainsburys.

Things like that are not a massive rip off but are sold as a Loss leader to get you in the store to buy other things. My Nan used to call offers like that a "call bird". Nothing wrong with Nectar card either - you need that to use the scan and shop, you get special 'deals' and prices and you get points that equate to money off. I have a Tesco club card and a Mark's and a Waitrose card that work on the same principle. They all do it so if you shop in those stores, I think it would be foolish not to have one.
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Things like that are not a massive rip off but are sold as a Loss leader to get you in the store to buy other things. My Nan used to call offers like that a "call bird". Nothing wrong with Nectar card either - you need that to use the scan and shop, you get special 'deals' and prices and you get points that equate to money off. I have a Tesco club card and a Mark's and a Waitrose card that work on the same principle. They all do it so if you shop in those stores, I think it would be foolish not to have one.
I don't think supermarkets sell much, if anything below cost. Either by supported pricing from the supplier for the time of the offers, or via rebates for volume sold, or even at cost.

They do work on low margins, but very high turnover with the added advantage of being paid for the product usually before they pay for it.

Don't under estimate their buying power. If they can sell at club card prices to the majority and make extra from the minority, they show how much they can make when not "on special"
Things like that are not a massive rip off but are sold as a Loss leader to get you in the store to buy other things. My Nan used to call offers like that a "call bird". Nothing wrong with Nectar card either - you need that to use the scan and shop, you get special 'deals' and prices and you get points that equate to money off. I have a Tesco club card and a Mark's and a Waitrose card that work on the same principle. They all do it so if you shop in those stores, I think it would be foolish not to have one.

I think over the last few years, a lot of brand names have become massive rip offs. The Maryland cookies are a good example. They used to cost a bit more than own brands, but they were still really cheap. Now they are three times the price. The same with Heinz soup at nearly £2 a tin. As regards rewards cards, I don't spend enough in these stores to make it worth my while and I've always felt a bit icky about somebody tracking everything I buy. I much prefer Aldi's way of doing things.
The same with Heinz soup at nearly £2 a tin.
That’s something else we don’t buy - we have Sainsburys own tomato soup. 4 separate cans of Heinz tomato soup would cost £6 compared to a sainsburys 4 pack at £2.10

We buy sainsburys beans, tomato soup and chopped tomatoes only in 4 packs.
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I think over the last few years, a lot of brand names have become massive rip offs. The Maryland cookies are a good example. They used to cost a bit more than own brands, but they were still really cheap. Now they are three times the price. The same with Heinz soup at nearly £2 a tin. As regards rewards cards, I don't spend enough in these stores to make it worth my while and I've always felt a bit icky about somebody tracking everything I buy. I much prefer Aldi's way of doing things.
Don't under-estimate this either
Some years ago we had a Burberry factory up near us in Treorchy and the factory shop sold off the stuff rejected by quality control for absolute peanuts. You couldn't find any obvious faults in the clothes but because they were supplying high end shops all over the world they were fussy, like a stitch slightly out of line and the garment was rejected. We'd get polo shirts for a tenner, and thankfully most of the gear didn't have that 'famous' Burberry check on it.
They’ve stopped that now. Or so I’m told.
I only buy KitKats occasionally and haven't really looked for alternatives. Are others any good? Aldi make the best chocolate chip cookies, I think, so cheap and so many chips, and they just taste really nice. Also, the best Snickers rip off.
I tried Aldi KitKat a few years ago and they seemed OK to me, same with their Penguin (Seal) bars.

I think Aldi's ketchup is OK too. I had a friend of the boys round for dinner when they were around the 6/7/8 age and he was really sniffy about ketchup. "Have you got Heinz?"

I hadn't, but next time I put Aldi's ketchup in a Heinz bottle and the kid didn't utter a squeak.

When our middle lad was younger he seemed to be sensitive to cow's milk. So he had goat's.

Sometimes we ran out of cow's so I would give the eldest goat's milk with his cereal. "Dad, this is not normal milk...."

So the next day, I started to experiment. I did 50/50.

"Dad, this is not normal milk...."

Each day the amount of goat's milk got less and less.

Each day: "Dad, this is not normal milk...."

On the last day, I mixed a splash of goat's milk into a nearly full 4 pint bottle.

You guessed it: "Dad, this is not normal milk...."

I left it two weeks then one day gave him cereal with milk like the last day's mix.

"Dad....have you put goat's milk in this?"

The kid was incredible!
I think Aldi's ketchup is OK too.
We always used to have Heinz. Last year we were holidaying in the Lake District and I went out and brought fish and chips back for our tea. On the way back, I popped into the co-op for some ketchup. They didn’t have Heinz so I bought their own brand. We've stuck with it ever since.

Our daughter in law has to have Heinz ketchup on just about everything she eats. She even carries a bottle of it in her bag! When she came round once with her own personal bottle, I tricked her with the co-op sauce - I put a blob of co-op ketchup on two different plates. Told her to tell me which one was Heinz. She tasted the first one, then tasted the second and said that was Heinz. She wouldn’t have it that they were both co-op. :ROFLMAO: She still won’t change from Heinz though.
We always used to have Heinz. Last year we were holidaying in the Lake District and I went out and brought fish and chips back for our tea. On the way back, I popped into the co-op for some ketchup. They didn’t have Heinz so I bought their own brand. We've stuck with it ever since.

This happened to me. I went Screwfix to get some glue. They didn't have Gorilla glue so I bought their own brand and I've stuck with it ever since.
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Our daughter in law has to have Heinz ketchup on just about everything she eats. She even carries a bottle of it in her bag! When she came round once with her own personal bottle, I tricked her with the co-op sauce - I put a blob of co-op ketchup on two different plates. Told her to tell me which one was Heinz. She tasted the first one, then tasted the second and said that was Heinz. She wouldn’t have it that they were both co-op. :ROFLMAO: She still won’t change from Heinz though.

With heinzsight you should have done 2 Co-op 1 Heinz.
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