Scallop wars and Fishing Quotas

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It seems a very odd situation that allows fishing boats based in France and Spain to trawl waters off of Scotland and for Scottish boats to Fish off Normandy. The fuel cost alone for a Scottish Trawler round trip would be around £40K minimum

I know..... Its Scallops
can see the frustration of the French, they dont fish the scallops for that period of the year in order to allow stocks to build and it must be really annoying that the English fleet are in there now fishing them.

I agree but it's self imposed.

£40k seems awfully expensive for fuel.

It's expensive building a petal station in the Irish sea.. The wild bean cafe is £20 a cup.
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black and white' as the little englanders.[/QUOTE]

Macduff Shellfish (Scotland) owns the Honeybourne III, hull number PD905. It took the craft over in 2016 from Macduff Fishing Fleet.

Somethings wrong with the above can anyone spot it???

ukers. That's new.
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The area concerned is the main Breeding ground for Scallops, British Fishermen had an unwritten law along with the French Fisherman not to fish during the breeding season, however the British Fisherman have gone in ( as they are entitled to) and scouped up the scallops, leaving the rubbish for the French

I think I can understand why the French Fishermen are P****d off.

Nothing like Good relations to enhance the Brexit Talks :)

Who made the rules that the British can fish but the French cannot
I’m wrong it’s more like 10-15k in fuel, I looked at the engines at peak output where they consume 30-45l per hour. A typical 18m steel trawler goes a lot slower.
It seems a very odd situation that allows fishing boats based in France and Spain to trawl waters off of Scotland and for Scottish boats to Fish off Normandy. The fuel cost alone for a Scottish Trawler round trip would be around £40K minimum

The backdrop

Surely its better for local trawlers to fish local waters, meaning the French fish Normandy and the Scotts fish Scotland. I think the EU argument is that would leave the UK better off given that EU fishing quotas are shared.

Seeing the humorous side, I'm not sure I'd be ramming a huge Scottish trawler with a steel hull in my little wooden boat.
£40k for the fuel? Really...WOW
@Notch7 Scottish Trawlers not English is my understanding - I think my numbers might be too high as I was looking at peak consumption of the engine in a typical 18M steel trawler with 2.5 days sailing each way. 72 hours at 30-45 litres an hour (given the size), but some other info suggests they are more like 18-20 litres per hour and struggle to manage 10kts

its still a lot of fuel and a lot of money!

At least boats can use red diesel, apart from pleasure craft.
if only you could get pleasure craft with diesel heaters fitted ;)

Allows you to put some down as heating oil. most Uk marinas do it automatically 60/40 from memory
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