You've done really well, I still haven't had a chance to look at your diagram - I'll have a glance later. Well, the current consumption appears to be within range, Your panel current, does that include trickle charge ? You should be able to get away with that, I am not in any way knocking you but I feel that the total current should be somewhere in the region of say 750 milliamps for both the psu and panel respectively - but that is just the way I prefer it, others would disagree no doubt. I think if you retain the existing setup, you should ensure that the standby batteries are always at their peak - but I reckon you've already thought of that. I'll look at your diagram later - looking forward to it.
Well done.
You've done really well, I still haven't had a chance to look at your diagram - I'll have a glance later. Well, the current consumption appears to be within range, Your panel current, does that include trickle charge ? You should be able to get away with that, I am not in any way knocking you but I feel that the total current should be somewhere in the region of say 750 milliamps for both the psu and panel respectively - but that is just the way I prefer it, others would disagree no doubt. I think if you retain the existing setup, you should ensure that the standby batteries are always at their peak - but I reckon you've already thought of that. I'll look at your diagram later - looking forward to it.
Well done.