Good evening to all those who have offered me advice/guidance over the last week (Sparkymarka, Alarm & Europlex).
I have done some initial tests and I believe I now have a operational Scantronic 9800 alarm system. I fitted a new 12V Sealed Lead Acid Battery Type c20. This cleared the (bF) alarm and allowed me to exit the (E) engineering menu.
I still occassionaly get this r4 alarm on the display, this always appears when I touch the keypad (the system is still setup on my desk so the keypad is not mounted/fixed) It can normally be cleared after "some" attempts to a key in my 4 digit ID (or as i suspect, general keypad movement)
I am "currently" going to make the assumption that this is the keypad tamper alarm (Sw1), triggered because the keypad is not yet secured
Not sure why r4, I have checked and my keypad is not addressed, all four switches are in the OFF position
This does not appear to be affecting the operation of the system (although I would suspect would cause me an issue if I had more keypads installed)
I have tested that all my circuits alarm in both Zone A and Zone B (as configured and detailed in my other post "Scantronic 9800 Zones")
As inherited, I currently have a PIR as my entry/exit sensor (Cct1), although as advised i may relocate the PIR and use a simple door contact on this circuit.
I received a response from my email to Elmdene International Ltd today, they identify that a +12V input is required on the SAB "ENG" terminal to silence the siren. I assume I can take a link from the SAB "H+" terminal.
Thanks for everyones help to date