school security

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15 Apr 2005
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United Kingdom
Is it just me or are schools investing a lot more in "containment" around the premises now?

Google earth images have been updated around doncaster, and I notice both my old secondary schools have had perimeter fences erected since i left 5 and 7 years ago. The fences contain the school buildings and a small area of the fields.

And why is this? To keep people in, or out?

It seems schools are turning into prisons. Time was a good rollocking was enough to keep kids in school. Not any more. :(

Also watching programmes such as waterloo road - are all schools like this now? with security guards patrolling, metal detectors etc? :eek:
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An attention seeking psychopath will get noticed if he harms a child at school.

Paedophiles will go to great lengths in order to interfere with children.

As a parent i get reassurance from fortress like schools, even if it is to the detriment of my child's 'freedom'.

It terrifies me to think of the lengths some ******s will go to to get at our children.

I would not be alarmed to see a gun tower up there, trained on any freak who wishes harm upon anyone's child. :eek: :evil:
our local primary school has just a big fence erected prob about 10 foot but that was to keep the idiots out insisted on going on the roof causing damage etc
Cant remember the place, but about 10 or more years ago a nutcase walked into a school and shot dead, many, many, children. Most modern security measures in the UK stem from that one incident. Having said that, it is still poss in many schools to walk straight in and go where you like.
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Cant remember the place, but about 10 or more years ago a nutcase walked into a school and shot dead, many, many, children. Most modern security measures in the UK stem from that one incident. Having said that, it is still poss in many schools to walk straight in and go where you like.

I all school's I've worked in, the gates are left open throughout the day for pedestrian and vehicle access, but increasingly the main entrance to the school office/ reception foyer has a security/electric lock on it. However, most of the student's entrance doorways are left open, which defeats the purpose.

On school in particular stands out - there used to be an open driveway around the back of a main teaching block which frequently had strangers knocking on classroom windows during lessons and the not infrequent joy-rider. The head didn't care for a few years (in spite of repeated voices of concern being raised) until it affected him when showing someone around. Curiously, there was a 15' fence and security gate in place within 48 hours. :confused:
Cant remember the place, but about 10 or more years ago a nutcase walked into a school and shot dead, many, many, children. Most modern security measures in the UK stem from that one incident. Having said that, it is still poss in many schools to walk straight in and go where you like.

the dunblane massacre :cry:
Cant remember the place, but about 10 or more years ago a nutcase walked into a school and shot dead, many, many, children. Most modern security measures in the UK stem from that one incident. Having said that, it is still poss in many schools to walk straight in and go where you like.

the dunblane massacre :cry:

Yes, that's the one and as Dextrous pointed out most schools have a button entry on the main door, but students, and anyone else for that matter, can just walk into other entrances. It is very easy for an irate parent to go straight to a teachers room avoiding the main entrance.
The thing with most schools is there are many entrances and exits. My secondary school had about 10 buildings, and each classroom had a fire escape (but just a normal door), most of which were used for the kids to be let in (the teachers used to play merry hell if we went through the buildings communal areas).

Sometimes they'd lock the double doors to communal areas at breaks etc, but there'd always be another entrance (via classrooms, fire escapes) that was left open. Its not just kids security, but what about computers etc? How long would it be before someone noticed a laptop or computer had gone? :rolleyes:

Even most classrooms had two means of ingress/egress, one was normally to a hallway, the other was to another classroom which had an exit to another hallway, for fire escape purposes. Maze is NOT the word ;)

Fences are all well and good, but they are only effective if someone monitors them.
so how do you manage to sneak out to go to the chip shop at break time then steve? :LOL:
Cant remember the place, but about 10 or more years ago a nutcase walked into a school and shot dead, many, many, children. Most modern security measures in the UK stem from that one incident. Having said that, it is still poss in many schools to walk straight in and go where you like.


seems to be a problem in europe and america :confused:
<Crazy gunman on gate intercom>

"Hello, I'm mad and want to kill some kids and teachers, can you let me in?"


"I'm sorry sir, you are not authorised to enter"

<Crazy gunman>

"Oh. OK then, sorry to bother you, I'll be off now. Bye"

No, the fences are there to keep kids out after school, as they tend to set the places on fire.

Also to stop people walking their dogs on the playing fields and then some kids parents claiming £000's when their little precious gets some dog crapp on them
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