Science question

If one did, would we have to assume that you can't travel back in time, otherwise we would have had visitors from the future peppering our past?

That is only true if the future has already occurred, Perhaps from this moment on, is the start of it all.
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Hi Guys,
I once heard of a scientific theory that everything man will ever need is already here on earth. The things just need to be discovered and put together in the appropriate fashion.

An example given, was a researcher needed a special type of camera with multiple lenses. He approached camera and lens companies who said that what he wanted was impossible. Eventually he was describing what he wanted to an entymologist, and the entymologist said his discription matched the eye of some sort of insect. With that info he went back to the camera and lens companies and they were able to copy the design of the insects eye.

Does anybody what this science is called? many thanks.

They took a design and made it. That sounds like "manufacturing", possibly with a dash of engineering thrown in.

Science on the other hand is the application of the scientific method, which is the objective testing of a hypothesis.
If one did, would we have to assume that you can't travel back in time, otherwise we would have had visitors from the future peppering our past?

That is only true if the future has already occurred, Perhaps from this moment on, is the start of it all.

Intrigued but not sure I understand?
I assumed, but I may be wrong, that trazor was referring to the potential that there are a muliplicity of futures depending on, if you like, the fluttering of a butterfly's wings.
Therefore for the future to be possible then our destiny is pre-ordained.
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So perhaps

1 - the future in which we have not had a visitor is just one future, there are others

2- it will be only possible to travel back in time to the moment that time travel became possible

So in 2- if the time machine was invented in 2020, then a person from 2040 could only get back to 2020, and not before.

I don't believe that our future is preordained, how depressing would that be.

According to the theory of relativity, one can travel forward in time, but not backwards.

The often quoted Paradox is.....Someone going back in time and shooting their father, before they were conceived.
Obviously this is impossible, and thus rules out any form of backwards time travel.
Science can, has, and will continue to learn from what nature has handed to us on a plate.

e.g. I remember reading long ago how the wing of our modern aeroplane was stolen from nature; analysis of the cross section of a bird's wing and the addition of Winglets. Nature got there soo long before us 'clever' humans did.

But as for whether it's ALL here on Earth? I think we have, we are, and will continue to screw this wonderful planet up, so doubt we will ever really know what we have and what incredible 'fruit' there is to pick. I'm thinking of a link I once saw which puts the life span of our Earth so far into one minute. (Does NOT put us clever, 'successful', humans in a good light).

There are man-made elements. (Take a look at the Periodic Table). I guess you could say that was also "here on Earth" but we had to make it.

I know one thing. If there was a different planet out there I could get to, I'd give it a try... (And there's more scientific evidence that there is. Just gotta live old enough to get there). :D

(If this thread goes to 4 pages without it getting to God and religion I'll be a monkey's uncle) :mrgreen:

PS. You're talking about The Terminator aren't you Trazor. ;)
Dinosaurs were on the Earth for 28 million years and they managed to f**k it up.
To be fair John, they didn’t screw things up. AFAIK nature took a change for the worse and they didn’t know how to knit jumpers or start a fire. (If only they had an opposable thumb). :D

Of course, compared to our feeble few thousand years existence, their 30 million puts us to shame. This is why we need to live in harmony with nature and not be so selfish and greedy.

(Did I just break the 10 second rule of deepness there?) :mrgreen:
So perhaps

1 - the future in which we have not had a visitor is just one future, there are others

2- it will be only possible to travel back in time to the moment that time travel became possible

So in 2- if the time machine was invented in 2020, then a person from 2040 could only get back to 2020, and not before.


Meanwhile, back on topic.
What I was referring to is not that there are various futures, but that if any future could be foreseen, or exist, then it must be pre-ordained.
Which I don't ascribe to.
But, all and any decision taken by anyone, from this moment forth, creates the future, and until those decisions are taken, ad infinitum, the future is indeterminate.
As no-one can forsee the decisions, then no-one knows what the future is. In addition, any change of any decision, for any reason, will alter the future.
Similarly, any visit from the future will obviously alter the future, potentially preventing the visit, or altering the visit in some way, thereby creating a different future, ad infinitum.

Thus, the future cannot exist, yet.
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