Sealing cartons


10 Dec 2003
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United Kingdom
My daughter is shipping several cartons to Australia by sea. She tried sealing cartons with duct tape and brown Sellotape.

Both these tapes are no longer effective after a few days of paking and sealing the cartons. Can some one suggest an effective tape that will seal these boxes well while her stuff is in transit

Thank you

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Well closure tape is pretty sticky, give her a roll of that off your van.
Or maybe a roll of wide masking tape.
Proper carton packaging tape.
The type that usually has FRAGILE stamped along it in big red lettering.
But buy a quality one from 3M or Sellotape. Don't go for the cheap un-branded stuff as its false economy.
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You need to encircle the package, so the tape adheres to itself, I have always found the brown carton tape very resilient, and usually have to fight with it to open packages sent to me, selotape is not much good the adhesive does seem to degrade in sunlight.

I meant parcel tape made by Sellotape, not the roll of stuff you buy from Tesco/ASDA.
Their packaging tape is quite strong. As you say though Wotan, wrap right around a couple of times so it seals to its self rather than just across the box.
Cling film would be an interesting approach. The root problem is probably overloaded boxes.
Pallet wrap.

If it can hold a naked groom-to-be to a lamp post indefinately, it has to be good!
If you can build a canoe out of gaffer tape/duct tape and sail for over 3 hours in it, and lift a car with only duct tape and a crane i believe something is drastically wrong with either that roll of gaffer tape, or the way its being used!
Thank You all who posted. Thank you for words of wisdom. Will get the proper tape and get on with it
I used to work in a warehouse and we sent boxes all over the world sealing them up with 2inch wide brown tape - but as someone has already said, you need to pay for it - if you pay 10p a roll for it then don't expect it to be very good - you get what you pay for in most cases....
i'd use string. A simple 2 strand overhand knot in one end, wrap it around the cartons, tie it off, and whack any tape over the top....

You can get a billion types of 'string' .... look in B&Q for example.

I do this on my cases when i jet off to Espagne.... also helps spotting your cases on the conveyor !!!
Have been in places where the post office won't accept a parcel in the mails unless it's got a piece of string wrapped around it. Naturally, there is a wallah just round the corner who will tie string round parcel and relieve you of a few pieces of worthless currency to do just that. No doubt some of that cash makes it back to the post office clerk as commission.

And you need to make sure they cancel the stamps in front of you or they will steam them off, throw your parcel in the bin, and sell the same stamps to the next mug.
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