Seems we have been paying murderer's

  • Thread starter Deleted member 294929
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Yes but still no pictures of queuing trucks stopped by protestors, just pictures of Israelis holding banners and placards saying free our hostages.

I think, rather like Johnny the jew hater, you've been had mate. Never mind.

Gally generally spouts baloney and nonsense
Generally with a hatred slant

Also has a fixation on dogs ??

Big ead and a fruit cake imo
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Was talking about those on here using that phrase.

Wondered what their justification was for using it. But it looks like they don't want to explain themselves.

Dunno as you have to use that phrase to spout there hatred of Israelis Or Tory voters or brexit voters

One particular fruitcake in here likens them to dogs
Actually we have
Yes but still no pictures of queuing trucks stopped by protestors, just pictures of Israelis holding banners and placards saying free our hostages.

I think, rather like Johnny the jew hater, you've been had mate. Never mind.


Hundreds of Israeli protesters have blocked some humanitarian aid trucks from entering Gaza for a third day.
Demonstrators, including families of hostages still held in Gaza, waved Israeli flags at a key crossing and chanted against "aiding the enemy".

Comprehension is off the charts with you.
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Looks like the stories of rape were either falsified or embellished.

Although claiming its story proves that “the attacks against women were not isolated events but part of a broader pattern of gender-based violence on Oct. 7” the veracity of the New York Times story was undermined almost as soon as it was published, including from the Abdush family itself who says there is no proof Gal Abdush was raped and that the New York Times interviewed them under false pretenses.

The critics have highlighted major discrepancies in the accounts presented in the Times, subsequent public comments from the family of a major subject of the articleOpens in a new tab denouncing it, and comments from a key witnessOpens in a new tab seeming to contradict a claim attributed to him in the article.

UN workers in Gaza kidnapped an Israeli woman during Hamas’s Oct 7 attack and handed out ammunition to its gunmen, according to intelligence produced by Israel.

The dossier, shared with US officials and seen by The New York Times, added detail to the claims put forward by Israel last week that United Nations’ Palestinian aid agency (UNRWA) employees were involved in Hamas’ onslaught.

It described ten out of the 12 UNRWA workers allegedly implicated in the attack as Hamas members and another as being affiliated with Islamic Jihad, a separate terror group in Gaza.

The dossier, which has not been verified by the Telegraph but was reportedly regarded as credible by US officials, named a school counsellor from the southern city of Khan Younis who allegedly conspired with his son to abduct a woman from Israel.

It identified one employee, an Arabic teacher, who was said to be a Hamas militant commander and to have taken part in the murderous attack on Kibbutz Be’eri on Oct 7, according to a separate report by the Wall Street Journal.

Meanwhile a social worker in the Nuseirat refugee camp was accused of helping Hamas to bring the body of a dead Israeli soldier into Gaza, as well as coordinating vehicles for the terror group and handing out ammunition to its gunmen on Oct 7.

When she first heard about Hamas’s Oct. 7 attack on Israel, Mirela Monte was “appalled.” The South Carolina real estate agent and self-described holistic healer detests violence and is horrified by war and human suffering.

But as Monte read more in Uncensored Truths, a Telegram group with 2,958 subscribers active on foreign policy and the supposed perils of vaccination, her shock turned to anger. According to the forum, the news reports were wrong: Secretly, Israel was behind the massacre.

Monte now argues the Oct. 7 attack was a “false flag” staged by the Israelis — likely with help from the Americans — to justify genocide in Gaza. “Pure evil,” she said. “Israel is like a mad dog off a leash.”

The Oct. 7 Hamas terrorist attack is among the most well-documented in history. A crush of evidence from smartphone cameras and GoPros captured Hamas’s breach of the border — a strike Israel says left about 1,200 dead, the deadliest onslaught in the country’s history.

But Oct. 7 denial is spreading. A small but growing group denies the basic facts of the attacks, pushing a spectrum of falsehoods and misleading narratives that minimize the violence or dispute its origins. Some argue the ambush was staged by the Israeli military to justify an invasion of Gaza. Others say that some 240 hostages Hamas took into Gaza were actually kidnapped by Israel. Some contend the United States is behind the plot.
These untrue and misleading narratives have been seeded on social media, where hashtags and terms linking Israel to “false flag” — a staged event that casts blame on another party — tripled on services including TikTok, Reddit and 4chan in the weeks after the attacks, according to the Network Contagion Research Institute, a nonprofit tracking disinformation.

It’s bleeding into the real world: Demonstrators have shouted the claim at anti-Israel protests and have used it to justify removing posters of hostages in cities like London and Chicago. At a November city council meeting in Oakland, Calif., multiple residents disputed the veracity of the attack.
Actually we have


Hundreds of Israeli protesters have blocked some humanitarian aid trucks from entering Gaza for a third day.
Demonstrators, including families of hostages still held in Gaza, waved Israeli flags at a key crossing and chanted against "aiding the enemy".

Comprehension is off the charts with you.
You can kind of understand why?


Great post, did you read the comments? I suspect you may not have.

Ken - even you cannot justify supporting UNRWA.The numbers are shocking. And this is just the start.—1,200 UNRWA workers are tied to Hamas—23% of UNRWA male employees have an active role in Hamas military or political framework—some UNRWA employees are actual commanders…

Kenneth the cookie keeps crumbling...we hear now stories of more than 1200 "bad apples" who are operatives.You are part of the problem mate.

**** Off Ken. You’re sounding like a 3 year old in the playgroundUNRWA are not the good guys here. They represent the nations of the world. The United Nations. And 12 of their people massacred Jews whilst thousands celebrated.They should not be able to represent the world.

Give it a rest you terrorist appeasing rapist apologist...your support for Hamas has left you with absolutely zero credibility (not that you had too much of it before...)

You dont get to evade years of working with terrorists by some superficial statement that you are going to investigate it now. UNRWA is done, just like Hamas. If you care about Palestinians, you would support these measures because nothing they are currently doing is working.

We should not fund terrorist organizations. UNRWA is a terrorist organization. QED


You are such a despicable liar again, inventing the most outrageous bullshit and allegations. There is no end to your vile mendacity

How did the infrastructure flourish under UNRWA watch unless most of be people were complicit

Half of those are already dead and the other half will be soon.Too late to prosecute.50% of UNWRA support terrorist organizations. Time to start by prosecuting the leadership for gross negligence at a minimum

No amount of shilling for Hamas will save you

It seems that all Unwra employees are blind, including
. That would also explain why they had to overlook the extensive tunneling including the militarization of civilian facilities like hospitals, schools or housing, poor things. Pay them a sea bailout!

Great post, did you read the comments? I suspect you may not have.

Ken - even you cannot justify supporting UNRWA.The numbers are shocking. And this is just the start.—1,200 UNRWA workers are tied to Hamas—23% of UNRWA male employees have an active role in Hamas military or political framework—some UNRWA employees are actual commanders…

Kenneth the cookie keeps crumbling...we hear now stories of more than 1200 "bad apples" who are operatives.You are part of the problem mate.

**** Off Ken. You’re sounding like a 3 year old in the playgroundUNRWA are not the good guys here. They represent the nations of the world. The United Nations. And 12 of their people massacred Jews whilst thousands celebrated.They should not be able to represent the world.

Give it a rest you terrorist appeasing rapist apologist...your support for Hamas has left you with absolutely zero credibility (not that you had too much of it before...)

You dont get to evade years of working with terrorists by some superficial statement that you are going to investigate it now. UNRWA is done, just like Hamas. If you care about Palestinians, you would support these measures because nothing they are currently doing is working.

We should not fund terrorist organizations. UNRWA is a terrorist organization. QED


You are such a despicable liar again, inventing the most outrageous bullshit and allegations. There is no end to your vile mendacity

How did the infrastructure flourish under UNRWA watch unless most of be people were complicit

Half of those are already dead and the other half will be soon.Too late to prosecute.50% of UNWRA support terrorist organizations. Time to start by prosecuting the leadership for gross negligence at a minimum

No amount of shilling for Hamas will save you

It seems that all Unwra employees are blind, including
. That would also explain why they had to overlook the extensive tunneling including the militarization of civilian facilities like hospitals, schools or housing, poor things. Pay them a sea bailout!

So unsubstantiated.

You are struggling lad if that's where you are at.

Might as well post the moon is made of cheese.

Silly Filly.
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