Having looked at prices and build quality of various sheds I have decided to build my own, now I am by no means a builder, I like to 'have a go' and have no money so a self build seemed a good idea. It has perhaps worked out a little more expensive than I optomistically estimated but the beauty of it is if you are not in a hurry then you pay as you go. Mind you the wife is getting a bit impatient!
I have had some help with the base and have had to bodge a bit of the frame work where some cuts went a bit wobbly but on the whole am pleased so far. Anyone with advice or tips please feel free to leave me a message.
I have had some help with the base and have had to bodge a bit of the frame work where some cuts went a bit wobbly but on the whole am pleased so far. Anyone with advice or tips please feel free to leave me a message.