Selling Cameras 'unfit for purpose'

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That 'address' was copied (select the addy in the address bar then Ctrl+c) then pasted ( Ctlrl+v ) when focused in the Notters editing window....

(Ctrl+c ?? and the likes - Whilst holding down 'Ctrl key' press 'c' - don't panic Mr Gates will not inform that 'selected text has been copied to clipboard' - Hopefully it will have been.

Mainly, but not necessarily, with longer addresses you can use this.
* [/size]ttp://]Text
Which actually comes out like this..

Alter the word 'text' to something else like Click for the boozalator

You'll get...
Click for the boozalator
From this :-
* [/size]]Click for the boozalator

Click on quote to see how to trick the editor into showing the exact format of the URL entry as * above... Look for redundant 'size tags' in the address. This was to display the exact layout in the actual post
:rolleyes: :cool:
Cheers empip but that is away out of my league. I'll wait until I've had a bit more practice at the basics.
bolo said:
Richardp said:
but its only really like buying a camera without a film.
There's a subtle difference - films are disposable and have use-by dates, whereas a memory card is an essential component of the camera that happens to be removable.

It's more akin to buying an SLR body without a lens.
no its not.
I agree.
I don't.

All cameras, digital, 35mm, plate and even polaroid require something on which the image can be recorded.
And they require a lens, too. (Although no doubt some ar*e will point out that a pinhole camera can still be used to record on a silver halide painted glass plate, and, presumably, processed by a frock-coated gentleman wearing pince-nez and a pained expression).

To the best of my knowledge the only cameras on the market which are guaranteed to be ready to shoot at the off, are disposable ones.
And digital ones that come with a lens and a memory card.

A camera without a lens is a camera body and nothing more and even with an SD card or a film nothing changes. It still cant take photographs.
And a camera without a memory card is still a camera without a memory card, even with a lens nothing changes. It still can't take photographs. (Although no doubt some ar*e will point out that it could still be used to take a blurry image if you found a cunning way to convince the camera that it had a lens connected, presumably using pins, needles, a selection of resistors and some bits of wire).
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look I'll say this only once it has a metal body not plastic ok!! :D
I wasn't lying.

I was too busy driving 240,000 miles per year to have any time for that nonsense.

Ooh blimey is that an alien I must dash I've got four degrees don't ya know.
They were the old old days :LOL:
sorry Softus....wrong! :LOL:
no he's not!
yes he is!
I see Kendor was in that thread - ya know, the guy that posted a piccie of a male model and claimed it was him. Wheredy go?
bolo said:
Softus wrote :"And digital ones that come with a lens and a memory card".

Wrong Softus. Only camera bodies come without a lens. The lens is an integral part of the camera. The film or memory card is the accessory which makes the camera 'fit for purpose'.
Quite a lot of made-up b*llocks there, bolo, starting with you taking my statement out of context. A little run-down is due...

1. I added the words "And digital ones that come with a lens and a memory card." to the sentence "To the best of my knowledge the only cameras on the market which are guaranteed to be ready to shoot at the off, are disposable ones.".

In other words, digital cameras that come with a lens and a memory card are ready to shoot at the off, as well as disposable cameras. This was not, and is not, wrong.

2. Digital SLRs can come without a lens.

3. Fitness for purpose isn't dependant on the presence of a film.

In studying your comments, I get the impression that you are the perfect example to illustrate, that the the power of the word, is in no way indicative of a persons faculty of reasoning and understanding objectively. And it would appear, that you do not have the common sense to compensate for the imbalance.
You get that impression merely because you've misunderstood. You're not the first, and you won't be the last. However, bolo, I admit to being astonished to see this particular piece of gibberish being posted under your user name.

It would amuse me to see you attempt to test my knowledge of cameras and photography, and my ability to reason either verbally or abstractly. Unfortunately, you don't know enough. ;)
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