Shamima Begum

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inocent until proven....
She did end up in Syria married to an ISIS terrorist.

I'm not anti Shamima. I am however very anti-terrorist what ever the flavour. She is riding a wave at the moment which could sink quite quickly, after the next terrorist atrocity. Some people have short memories when it suits.

Young girls, or young in general need to be deterred not encouraged.
She did end up in Syria married to an ISIS terrorist.

I'm not anti Shamima. I am however very anti-terrorist what ever the flavour. She is riding a wave at the moment which could sink quite quickly, after the next terrorist atrocity. Some people have short memories when it suits.

Young girls, or young in general need to be deterred not encouraged.

Terrorists kill innocent people, they also groom and recruit innocent people…..I don’t know if Begum was evil, easily led or brainwashed, but it’s worth considering victims may not be just those that are blown up.

15 year old girls are probably mostly interested in boys, make up, music, tic tok…….I don’t think they generally dream of going to a war zone and beheading people.
Plenty of 15 year olds commit very serious crimes, including murder. She may not have been aware of the risk to her British citizenship as a dual national, but then plenty of 15 year olds aren't aware of joint Enterprise when they go equipped and are jointly involved in serious crimes. In law we are expected to know right from wrong from age 10. Its highly likely she knew that ISIS were up to evil when she left to join and at no point in the years after did she show any regret. Despite it being highly likely that she would have been guilty of murder and other atrocities.
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This whole affair brings about a very good lesson to other would be people going off to isis.
Get your multiple/dual nationality sorted out before you do!

She could always change her name, use another identity etc.
She'd have to get out of the camp first though.
15 years old is old enough to know right from wrong

There’s plenty of brainwashed anti vaxxers on diynot, people of any age can be manipulated into believing all sorts of rubbish.

If it’s possible to convince a grown man the Covid vaccine contains a microchip, I’m sure it’s quite easy to persuade a 15 year old girl joining ISIS in Syria would be a moral crusade in a land of milk and honey.
There’s plenty of brainwashed anti vaxxers on diynot, people of any age can be manipulated into believing all sorts of rubbish.

If it’s possible to convince a grown man the Covid vaccine contains a microchip, I’m sure it’s quite easy to persuade a 15 year old girl joining ISIS in Syria would be a moral crusade in a land of milk and honey.
Is this username being hijacked by himmy?
The amount of boll@x coming from it are breaking all records.
Is this username being hijacked by himmy?
The amount of boll@x coming from it are breaking all records.

Unless you can make a valid counter argument that states why, where and how I am incorrect……you should retract your post and apologise.

by the way, here is the microchip conspiracy theory you believe is real:

“Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates will launch human-implantable capsules that have ‘digital certificates’ which can show who has been tested for the coronavirus ( and who has been vaccinated against”
There’s plenty of brainwashed anti vaxxers on diynot,
There’s More brainwashed into having a ‘vaccine’ and continuing to have ‘vaccines’ and ‘boosters’ pumped into their blood streams for absolutely no reason whatsoever.
There’s More brainwashed into having a ‘vaccine’ and continuing to have ‘vaccines’ and ‘boosters’ pumped into their blood streams for absolutely no reason whatsoever.

The evidence is clear: vaccines have made a huge difference.

if you believe otherwise, you are brainwashed.
Unless you can make a valid counter argument that states why, where and how I am incorrect……you should retract your post and apologise.

by the way, here is the microchip conspiracy theory you believe is real:

“Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates will launch human-implantable capsules that have ‘digital certificates’ which can show who has been tested for the coronavirus ( and who has been vaccinated against”
Me apologising to you... :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
What cave do you live in mate???
You keep on insulting everybody who doesn't line up to your commands and expect an apology???
Stop licking toads my friend, it's not good for you.
Better get injected multiple times...
Hung on....:eek::eek::eek:o_Oo_Oo_O
There is a rumour . . . & it is just a rumour . . . of a story being told in certain circles . . . that there is irrefutable evidence in existence of Shamima taking an active part in a beheading . . . . !

The circles this rumour is being told in do not normally engage in rumours that have no merit, they are fully aware that there is smoke without fire & sometimes smoke is accompanied by mirrors . . . . The life expectancy of a troll injected rumour in these circles is approx' 1millisec . . . . !

I would assume the evidence is a video. Your MSM does not yet have the video but it is almost certainly aware of the rumour of its existence. Your Gov'n't' do have the video, or at least the security services do. The video is shown to high level personnell if/when they choose to involve themselves in Shamima's affairs . . . .

The rumour does not originate from the security services & I assume they have no control of whether the evidence is ever released.

It's just a rumour, but it answers many questions of why she isn't back in this country already & why she never will be.
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