Absolute nonsense. Their response is wrong in law anyway, what's the point.
According to UK's interpretation of Bangladeshi law.No it wouldn't, all explained in the judgement.
We're going round in circles. If UK can revoke someone's citizenship, another country has every right to deny citizenship to them.
UK revoked Shamima's citizenship on the basis that she was entitled to Bangladeshi citizenship. Bangladesh denies this. Therefore she was rendered stateless.
Hundreds of other terrorists who fought for ISIS were allowed to return to UK.
So it is totally unjust that a 15 year old girl who has not been found guilty of any crime should be rendered stateless.
It smacks of retribution, not rehabilitation.
It shows UK to be an unjust country, exploiting the law to apply unfair penalties to children of immigrants.
It potentially alienates more people and affords radicalisers the ammunition for further radicalisation.