i personaly dont like selfish people
i try and be as open and as honest [as yourself]unfortunatly the selfish society has reduced some people to
mindless selfish morons with only "whats in it for me" attitude regardless off the effect on the comunity in general :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
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You appear to have made some fundamental mistakes which is unfortunate but now you’ve got to try & salvage the situation. I think you should offer to upgrade their flue to a class 1 as that will deflate the whole substance of their argument. If both parties had understood & agreed the consequences of what you were doing regarding removal of your half of the shared chimney, you would never have had this problem but unless you can prove the condition of the flue was c**p before you did the work, you are going to be liable for re-instating it to it’s original class 1 status.

Who did the work? If it was DIY then it’s down to you but if it was a builder then I would be knocking on his door pretty sharpish. I would certainly go back to your local council BC dept & complain you have been ill advised regarding the type of flue liner that should have been fitted.
Hi Richard C
thanks for your message. The chosen flu liner was put in with instructiojn from building control - so i guess we need to talk to them. It has now all been connected up to the neighbours gas fire. So if we change i9t for them - if they then use a coal fire - they will have to get the liner disconnected right?
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i think richard c is pretty close

why don't you contact them directly

say you believe the problem has been a misunderstanding as to the flue liner

outline a suggested course of action to remedy the situation[reline with correct flue]

enquire at what point they realised things wern't as they thought and
suggest they approach in person when things do not appear correct in time for things to be remedied

and this time have a written description and shedule sighned by both sides to save misunderstanding
I don't agree.

What point of law are they trying to claim against?

One party can't agree (implicitly or impliedly) and then change their mind and expect the other party to compensate them.

Its bluff on the assumption that the OP will back down.
Woody - I agree with you.

We are not out to do anyone any injustice and all the work we did was done with agreement. The neighbours let us into their home to have the liner connected!
They have now chnaged their mind and unfornate for us - we dont have anything in writing except the fact that they allowed us to do the work and have building control supervise it too!!!
themum said:
Woody - I agree with you.

We are not out to do anyone any injustice and all the work we did was done with agreement. The neighbours let us into their home to have the liner connected!
They have now chnaged their mind and unfornate for us - we dont have anything in writing except the fact that they allowed us to do the work and have building control supervise it too!!!

the trouble is regardless of whose right or wrong
the situation has to be resolved with the least "inteference"from expensive lawyers
its trying to work out the best possible outcome with the least possible upset between you and your"unreasonable "neibours at the lowest possible cost :cry: :cry: :cry:

i still think dialouge is the best start

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