"MUPPET" I thought this was a discussion forum, not a centre for abuse.
I am ever so sorry that I hurt your feelings by calling you a Muppet, please don't cry, wipe that eye.
As regards your explanation, that law has been created out of a Liberal Attitude.
Yea, stopping the police from just randomly inspecting peoples property without a warrant.
How liberal!
And judges not giving out warrants "cus the guy has a shed or a spare room"
Why blow me, what a liberal attitude.
I doubt however that the BBC actually knocked on the doors and asked if they had any illegals staying, I would have thought that they found out by covert detective work.
Which border control/police are equally capable of, but unlike the BBC they actually need to assemble real evidence to be able to do anything, which would take a large amount of resources to do, just to deal with individual cases.
Whereas the BBC can just do a flyover and say "look at all those sheds with beds, why they must be full of illegal immigrants".