Well this certainly throws the cat amongst the pidgeons. So I was right to question the £875 quote then I guess for - what I've now been told by another fitter using an electronic measuring devide is actually 9.07 sq m.
So even with the £175 per day (discussion still on going ;o)) this should be approx:
Materials - quickstep 950 + all finishing + markup! = approx £350 ???
Labour max for 2 days = approx £350
Total = £700 - so where does this fitter get £875 from - cos he puts 2 men on a small floor or is the creative accounting
So even with the £175 per day (discussion still on going ;o)) this should be approx:
Materials - quickstep 950 + all finishing + markup! = approx £350 ???
Labour max for 2 days = approx £350
Total = £700 - so where does this fitter get £875 from - cos he puts 2 men on a small floor or is the creative accounting