Should Tommy Robinson be allowed into America.

Figure of speech. Was talking about Hawk.

How right on of you. So, are you going to pluck any more baddies out of history to make a point that isn't there or not?

I'm sorry. I take back what I said previously. That's your older brother in the avatar "innit". :p
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How many on here have actually travelled to the US Post 9/11 and having to complete ESTA which now asks for your social media usernames :mrgreen:
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There's a whole world I'd rather visit, in preference to the US of A.
I've always fancied doing a fly-drive and seeing a whole load of different states for a over a few months. Be interesting to see how much they differ first hand.
I think Tommy's conviction for using someone else's passport is a bit dubious.
The security services may have allowed him to travel to America to find out who he was meeting with because they could always arrest him when he returned.
The idea that a high profile character like Tommy could just walk through American security using his mates passport doesn't ring true, if it is that easy to get through post 9/11 New York airport security, what is to stop some mad Muslim fundamentalist borrowing his mates passport and boarding a plane to America.
The idea that a high profile character like Tommy could just walk through American security using his mates passport doesn't ring true, if it is that easy to get through post 9/11 New York airport security, what is to stop some mad Muslim fundamentalist borrowing his mates passport and boarding a plane to America.
however when he arrived in the USA customs officials took his fingerprints and realised he was using a passport that was not his own.
I think Tommy's conviction for using someone else's passport is a bit dubious....
The idea that a high profile character like Tommy could just walk through American security using his mates passport doesn't ring true... what is to stop some mad Muslim fundamentalist borrowing his mates passport and boarding a plane to America.

He didn't get in - they fingerprinted him and cross referenced the prints on their database and saw that he was not the person he was claiming to be.
That is why he was not allowed in, and why America doesnt want to give him another chance. He was lucky he didn't get locked up in America on terrorism charges - he actually got a flight back somehow.

"He used a self check-in kiosk to board the flight at Heathrow and was allowed through when the document was checked in the bag-drop area.
But when Lennon arrived at New York's JFK Airport, customs officials took his fingerprints and realised he was not travelling on his own passport.
Lennon was asked to attend a second interview but managed to leave the airport, entering the US illegally."

If a "mad Muslim fundamentalist" tried the same thing they would probably be stopped on the UK side for further checks.

Have you never used self-check in for travel?

He is a criminal in so many ways - illegal travel, fraud, hate crimes, violence - it is shocking some people support him. But then, Hitler and Bin Laden had a lot of support, so I guess no real shock.
He is not a criminal. He was wrongly imprisoned and tortured by left wing Marxist partisans. He's a British patriot who wants to make Brits aware that their freedoms are being taken away. He's a modern day hero. He's a target of Soros funded MSM.
He was falsely imprisoned and tortured by the state and is owed not just an apology but reperations.


tortured? ... he went to prison and didn't like it.
I thought that's what we now called SNOWFLAKE.
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