3It doesn't take brains to use google, lets face it even you can do it.
But credit cards were invented over sixty years ago, the internet as a useable resource for millions is a recent phenomenon, and 30 years ago it would not have been possible for anyone to foresee the huge advances in graphics and processors necessary to allow watchable porn movies to be streamed online. Much less to roll out the incredible investment needed to set up the credit card infrastructure just to meet an as yet non existant demand. You must know this, you must realise that you've just made yourself look stupid again so why carry on arguing and make yourself look even worse. Not that I care, it's amusing.
Ive worked in the IT industry since the late 1970's till the early 2000's sooey, i was there, while you were still in nappies.
if you dont like my posts, then put me on ignore, your trolling and offensive comments and aggressive insulting attitude WILL get you banned, ill make sure, you just give me the ammo and keep them comments coming................
1) Abusive or unhelpful posts are not welcome. This is a friendly site and we ask that everyone is treated with respect! Abusive or unhelpful posts are not welcome on this site and are always removed! Keep it civil!
You should have read those rules before you posted this little rant.
Ive been interested in bomb technology since i was 12 years old, when we saw the bomb tests in the papers
p****s me off when people try and diminish your knowledge by accusing you of 'googling it'. Does it ever occur to brainless t**t like you I might actually be better educated and better informed than you and actually know this stuff in my head, merely because im better read than you, or been following a subject for decades.
Ive worked in and followed technology for more than 50 years, probably long before you were born. I was working in the fledgling IT industry in the 1970's well before the internet, and was up to date with technology then.
Just because your an ignorant uneducated **** thats never read a book doesnt mean we all are. Ive had subscriptions to New Scientist, Nature, and Scientific American since is was in my 20's, and ive read more books and papers on cosmology and particle physics than you ever be able to wade through with your second rate education and third rate brain.
Now **** off and go and post o na forum more suitable to your intellect, such as here , you offensive little p***k.
But never mind that, back to your original statement, I take it you still stand by it ....or am I not allowed to point out when your talking bollix because thats trolling according to you.
By the way, as it's you who seems to be upset by my posts it might be an idea for you to put me on ignore.