Silent alarms and Keyholders

3 Nov 2006
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United Kingdom
Take the case where an intruder alarm operates in silent mode or delayed siren mode and a key holder is immediately notified to attend.

The key holder may on arrival find the intruders still on the premises and this could present a serious risk to the key holder.

Delayed siren or fully silent alarms are acceptable if the priority is the arrest of the un-suspecting criminals before they leave the premises.

But for a keyholder without adequate support to approach the premises while the intruders are on scene and un-aware that they have been detected is not a sensible thing to do.
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there is also the point that in a domestic burglary, the criminals are likely to run off as soon as the alarm sounds; but can do a lot of damage during the 10 or 20 minutes delay.
Indeed. Hence the need for a proper RA and installing the correct system to meet the requirements.
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Years ago professional burglars would spend a while at a home in a pre planned raid.
Burglary now is more opportunistic.

Most homes I install in these days don't have many high value items as such. That is no silverware , no antiques or grandfather clocks and old masters.

Generally the items taken are portable. If they can get the car keys they will take the flat screen and possibly and anything else they can stick in your motor quickly.

If no car is available then its phones , laptops , ipods etc that will be taken.
They will head for the youngsters bedrooms first knowing that this sort of stuff will be in there while kids are at school while mum and dad genarally have their stuff credit cards , phones etc on their possesion.

So to sum up burglaries these days are very quick and probably completed before anyone had a chance to arrive wether keyholder or police unless in the area.

I worry about leaving people with a 20 second delay and try to get then to have it reduced to 10 seconds or at least try it and change it back later if its too difficult.

A delay would not really make any sense to me for the average domestic property.
For a factory where the intruders may take time looking around or the items they are stealing will take time to move then a delay does make sense as long as it is followed up and not ignored.
Q -why would anyone without police response have silent bells?

A - they wouldnt.

non topic.
Q -why would anyone without police response have silent bells?
A - they wouldnt.
non topic.

You have missed the point.
Your assertion that someone with police response is fine with silent bells because the cavalry will come charging round and catch the felons red handed.
In all probability the police will arrive too late or not at all and the local neighbours or surreounding businesses won't even have looked out of their windows and seen a thing. Even when bells only alarms go off often people go round just to see if they can shut the damm things up. They would definately curtain twitch and possibly see a suspicious person or vehicle.
Oh i doubt he has missed the point.
Might want to have a look at your own advice and practices though.

For someone who spends so much time quoting the content of W.Yorks Police web site perhaps you might want to take it up with them regarding their failure to respond. Or do we already know why you won't?
Q -why would anyone without police response have silent bells?
A - they wouldnt.
non topic.

You have missed the point.
Your assertion that someone with police response is fine with silent bells because the cavalry will come charging round and catch the felons red handed.
In all probability the police will arrive too late or not at all and the local neighbours or surreounding businesses won't even have looked out of their windows and seen a thing. Even when bells only alarms go off often people go round just to see if they can shut the damm things up. They would definately curtain twitch and possibly see a suspicious person or vehicle.

Q -can you back this up with any credible evidence?

A - of course he can`t

non topic, keyholders know what they need to do.
10 Sec Entry time? Who do you install for Sebastian Coe!!!

Most Breakins dont involve the Front door, and so should cause an instant Alarm, if the system is corectly specified? :confused:
10 Sec Entry time? Who do you install for Sebastian Coe!!!

Most Breakins dont involve the Front door, and so should cause an instant Alarm, if the system is corectly specified? :confused:
So how are you supposed to legitimately enter through the front door to turn off the alarm then without an E/E delay?
10 Sec Entry time? Who do you install for Sebastian Coe!!!

Most Breakins dont involve the Front door, and so should cause an instant Alarm, if the system is corectly specified? :confused:
So how are you supposed to legitimately enter through the front door to turn off the alarm then without an E/E delay?

I suspect it was the 10 sec delay that was being questioned.
have we had an answer to my question yet?

perhaps boilerman might like a try?
10 Sec Entry time? Who do you install for Sebastian Coe!!!

Most Breakins dont involve the Front door, and so should cause an instant Alarm, if the system is corectly specified? :confused:

The reason I can get down to 10 secs is because I add if possible a remote keypad just next to the door within arms reach of opening it.

As for instant. I guess it depends on the system and how it is armed or disarmed. You can have instant arm disarm if you wish but only with the siren based alarm. The keyfob will not disarm the system unless the EE has been opened on the control panel based system.

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