Try Speed-dating... I tried it once, was a great laugh. I didn't go in planning to meet the next Mrs W, which was lucky because I didn't meet her!
But it's a great laugh. I met some lovely girls, got a few dates out of it, had a laugh. I should also say that one of my mates ended up with a psychotic girlfriend who menstruated on his housemate's towels and was arrested after shouting racial slurs at some poor bloke in Islington... but I'm sure that is a rare occurrence
You have to remember a simple fact: there is almost exactly 1 woman to every man on Earth, so unless you are insane, hideous, with a BO problem, then it is rather unlikely you will remain single forever.
Andrew, there are plenty of universities around your way, and EVERY university has a "rocksoc". Have a look at their websites, find out what clubs they go to. THIS time of year is the best, as there are plenty of new "freshers" who are only to keen to meet new faces at the start of their studies. And rock clubs are one of the friendliest of places on Earth (second only to goth concerts!). People talk to people, if you go often then you get to know people.
In fact, rock clubs are probably the only type of nightclub that could accurately be called part of a "social" life
Finding people with the right taste can be difficult, I appreciate that. However... I used to spend a lot of time at "Excels" in Birmingham a few years ago, and a lot of the music they played there is now regarded as recommended listening for all teens (Nirvana, Placebo, Marilyn Manson, Korn, System of a Down and so forth). So just point out they will be hearing the next top 40 rock acts several years before the less open-minded punters