


Has anyone else been to see it yet? Mrs Squeaky and I went last week and although we enjoyed it, we didn't think it was as good as Casino Royale. I'm not going to say any more than that because I wouldn't want to spoil it for anyone, but does anyone think it is 'The best Bond ever' as stated by the press?
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Danial Craig makes a bad Bond.
Too short and too beefed up like a brainless beef cake and no charisma.
He's good, but not on a par with Sean Connery.
Nobody does it better!
Most insecure men would prefer to see a weedy intellectual dweeb.

I'm fairly sure a lot of people would disagree with you there Norcs.
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I'd prefer to see the likes of Connery. Was he weedy?
nah don't think so.
But he didn't spend his time in the gym beefing himself up.

In craigs first film he closes a door and wrenches the handle so that it breaks. Just like a brainless beefcake would do.
Turned it off after that.

Connery would have had the key in his pocket and snapped it in the lock. So a bit more finesse involved.
Danial Craig makes a bad Bond.
Too short and too beefed up like a brainless beef cake and no charisma.

He's tiny mate and needs to grow some lats. He's far from beefed up. Just
keeps a low BF.
I thought Sean Bean would have been a good choice as 007 but he was portrayed as a double agent a few years ago as 006. I think our loss. :cry:
we went to see it tonight, and i enjoyed, so did the boys who are 11, but best film ever? dont think so
Veering off track ever so slightly :mrgreen: i have not seen the latest Bourne thriller, can anybody comment on it please and if it works without Matt Damon?? :confused:
I would say its up there with the best Bond films, the best Daniel Craig Bond film.

Probably a lot to do with the fact they got Sam Mendes to make this one.

Daniel Craig is more like the Bond that Flemming written about, Q hands over a transmitter and gun to Bond and says, “What did you expect, an exploding pen :LOL:

I'm a bit of a Bond geek though, loved them all since I was a kid.
I'd prefer to see the likes of Connery. Was he weedy?
nah don't think so.
But he didn't spend his time in the gym beefing himself up..

Are you sure about this last statement or would you care to do a bit of googling. I think you might be surprised.
Veering off track ever so slightly :mrgreen: i have not seen the latest Bourne thriller, can anybody comment on it please and if it works without Matt Damon?? :confused:

I've seen it and it doesn't work as a Bourne film without Damon.
I thought it was a good film , not going into any comparisons with any other bond films but subjectively as a film in its own right it worked well.

Kept my interest all the way through..

Just one picky point

You know the typical hack and slash teen film where there is the dark room and someones on their own and its like 'don't go in there' and invariably they do

There were a few moments like that in the film where you would think , as if that would have happened in real life or as if someone would have done/said that in that scenario . .
So yes Sam has used some film tricks that don't really work and take a bit of credibility from the actors.
Its not online yet so I have to wait. :LOL:
Do you mean at lovefilm or other such providers or do you mean stealing a living from people by doing an illegal download.
Your poor laptop version of the film will in no way recreate the excellent experience sonically I had at the Vue cinema with the Sony sound system. The explosions almost rocked you in your seat.

Ebay , google and illegal downloading are slowly killing the capitalist society day by day.

Eventually all 'consumers' (which is a blatent misnomer for people who buy stolen goods or steal) will find all they will have to choose from is second hand hooky goods circulating around as manufacturers lose any viable route to market.

Get to the pictures!
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