
countygardens said:
WoodYouLike said:
Still lots of people only have the four terrestrial ones (like us ;))

I know that Channel 5 isnt very good but I would still class it as terrestrial myself. ;)
Not everyone can get ch5 though (I can't get it through the aerial), I believe some remote parts of Scotland can't even get all the other 4 terrestrial channels.
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countygardens said:
Whoa! Thats harsh. What else is there to do in remote parts of Scotland except watch TV :?:

There's plenty of things to do in Scotland:

1) Climb up Ben Nevis
2) Climb down Ben Nevis
3) Go home

remote parts of Scotland

Are you implying there are non-remote parts of Scotland?! ;)

(I'm just kidding, I've only been there for a few hours during the Three Peaks Challenge, but I'd definitely consider going there for something less strenuous too)
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I know that Channel 5 isnt very good but I would still class it as terrestrial myself.

Yes, but don't you get either channel 4 or channel 5, not both of them?