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Do you eat? A large proportion of UK slaves seem to be in farming, doing the jobs that few Brits want to do!
LOL are you serious.

If it was such a problem, then the farmers themselves would be tending to the local prison allotment for employing slaves.

Anyway, I've just checked a few of our fresh food produce in the kitchen, and it says on the tins that the majority of it comes from abroad. My conscience is clear.

But you have touched on something regarding the brits doing these kinds of jobs. But perhaps cutting benefits for scroungers to make them work and earn their keep is a topic for another thread.
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The UK slave trade seems to have been imported along with the various migrants who have brought their cultural practices with them, and they each specialise in their own specific areas of crime - farm labour, petty crime, drugs, sex workers, counterfeiting, bank crime, you name it - all organised, all imported. Even the gypsies are worried that they'll be out of "work" soon.
We had a few cases of slavery on farms around here. The slavers have gone to jail for it and will most likely be deported once they have finished their short sentences.
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Strawman argument again.
BAS referred to 'fellow travelers', not 'travelers'.
But let's not allow facts to upset your strawman argument.
It was an insult and you 'liked' it.
Nowhere in the thread was there anything to do with fellow travellers, (btw, travellers has 2 'l's), it was meant as an insult.
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