smacking kids

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Softus said:
Time to trust my intuition...

joe-90 said:
In the school of 1000 kids I went to there were NO problem children. Not one.
You've written this so many times that it just has to be a lie. Which school did you attend, and during which years?

What's your real name and address?
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Softus said:
joe-90 said:
How do you educate a yob? He'll just tell you to fook-off.
I wouldn't expect you to understand how to educate anyone. However, it is indeed possible - I have a friend who works with the police in rehabilitating male young offenders. They have a lot of success - not with every one of them, but more than half.

There are thousands of them. They nearly all revert to type and even if they don't there is a never ending supply of them. Just draw a line in the sand.

joe-90 said:
Softus said:
Time to trust my intuition...

joe-90 said:
In the school of 1000 kids I went to there were NO problem children. Not one.
You've written this so many times that it just has to be a lie. Which school did you attend, and during which years?

What's your real name and address?
Exactly as I thought - a lie from a liar. :rolleyes:

There are thousands of them. They nearly all revert to type and even if they don't there is a never ending supply of them.
You're so predictable - even when you're wrong you still think you're right. The kind of thinking that will work in your estate agency, but not in a sensible debate.
joe-90 said:
I do know everything aboiut everything. Why do you think that no-one (with any sense) will take me on in an argument? It's because they ALWAYS lose.

No-one has EVER beaten the great Joe-90 in an argument - and they never will.

Feel free to try anytime you like.

Such a modest chap.
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Joe-90 (only for Joe-90)

The only justification you have come up with for hit young children is history and control violence with violence.

History lesson 1
Man has been hitting man since the caveman,
And it’s sad that we still have some cavemen in the year 2006.
So Joe-90’s solution to control violence is with violence,
You do not sound a very intelligent man because that is the same solution used by cavemen.

History lesson 2
Paedophiles have been with us for thousands of years,
And it is only relatively recent that it became illegal.
So Joe-90, under your history argument you would not make it illegal.

And you said you went to all boys’ school – what decade was this?

History lesson 3 (from the year 2106)
In about a hundred years time they will look back and say – “what it used to be legal to hit your children, what type of sick people did that”.

To everyone (Jeo-90 do not bother reading this)

“I do not like the word smacking it is used by adults trying to justify hitting a child”

An adult that hits a child is acting like a child (they should try and act like an adult)

As soon as you have to use violence on your child the child has won (you’re no more than a bully), you as the adult should be more intelligent than the child and violence would not be necessary.

Most adults that hit there children usually do it when they are agree,
And when you hit a child when you are agree you yourself are acting like a child, Also when you hit that child under anger it usually has more aggression.

All you adults that act like children to deal with there children’s behaviour problems,
Calm down and talk to the child,
It can take sometime but stay calm and be patient,
If it takes 1min 2mins 5mins 10mins 20mins 30mins 60mins etc, etc,
Stay calm and in control.
Do not be tempted to use the quick violence approach it does no good to you or the child. Educate your child by talking to them not by violence.

My youngest is the most stubborn person I have every came across (even more stubborn than Joe-90), if you stay calm and in control you will get better results.


Moderator note

Once again this topic has descended into various forms of abuse, losing sight of the debate and the rules of the forum. Once again its locked
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