I have looked a few times, to see if there was any sort of built in way for Alexa to advise me if contact was lost with one of the devices it controlled, because some of them I use it to automatically control could become quite critical, like the Smart Plug which keeps my car's battery topped up each day, as it is tucked away in the garage, out of sight, out of mind.
Failing to find anything built in, I went looking for a ping utility, which warns if a ping fails to be responded to. If a LAN device responds to a ping, it's a fair assumption that it is working OK. Ping Monster is one I found, which will do that and it is quite small and very configurable, you can set it to make a noise on the PC, log failures and send an email to yourself, even to allow several failed pings in succession before issuing a warning.
Failing to find anything built in, I went looking for a ping utility, which warns if a ping fails to be responded to. If a LAN device responds to a ping, it's a fair assumption that it is working OK. Ping Monster is one I found, which will do that and it is quite small and very configurable, you can set it to make a noise on the PC, log failures and send an email to yourself, even to allow several failed pings in succession before issuing a warning.