Smart Meter Installers ID-ing Gas Appliances

Where did I say anything about it being underhand or just a bit of a paper with a name on it? A gas Safe engineer worth his salt and who values his livelihood is going to do the appropriate testing before signing off on it.
I know, & was not having a pop at you, but a certificate , even if it was issued by you a few days before your next visit is totally worthless as anything could happen in between, & as a FULLY qualified RGI you would ensure all was safe before you leave. The meter monkey is not usually fully qualified, so has to make safe, though they do have a habit of taking the easy route of capping the meter, thus leaving the customer with no gas if the have a gas cooker.
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The meter monkey
You start with the premise that all meter installers are bad and all gas safe fitters are good. Your reasoning applies to both, if you look unhindered by hate.
You hate smart meters, smart meter installers - in fact you hate Christmas, foreigners, anyone under the age of 60, Labour supporters. Why don't you change your name to hate......oh hang on a minute...
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You start with the premise that all meter installers are bad and all gas safe fitters are good. Your reasoning applies to both, if you look unhindered by hate.
You hate smart meters, smart meter installers - in fact you hate Christmas, foreigners, anyone under the age of 60, Labour supporters. Why don't you change your name to hate......oh hang on a minute...
You misunderstood my point, I am defending the meter monkey, I am in the majority in disliking smart meters, & as I am well under 60 I certainty don't hate under 60's, have no time for selfish millennials or business owners relying on low paid immigrant workers.
You start with the premise that all meter installers are bad and all gas safe fitters are good. Your reasoning applies to both, if you look unhindered by hate.
You hate smart meters, smart meter installers - in fact you hate Christmas, foreigners, anyone under the age of 60, Labour supporters. Why don't you change your name to hate......oh hang on a minute...

It's inexperiance vs experiance surely you've seen that in your trade ?
One thing which may help improve the way this country is being run (smart meter roll out and many other things) is to write a letter to your MP and express your discontent with your tax payer money being wasted on this scheme.

Custard this morning changing suppliers. Gotta have her new smart meters changed after only a couple of months. Money well spent.
Good news is after writing a complaint email to BG and sending them the receipt and safety certificate from the gas engineer dated the same day as the smart meter install visit they have agreed to refund the cost of the engineer visit.
I can see it getting to the point where people are literally ripping these fuking things off the wall and binning them because the government simply won't do anything to stop the energy companies. It's already gone too far and everybody knows smart meters are a fuking scam.
Just moved house. Has new meters.New supplier wants to swap them!...not compatable with their gizmo...yeah right, fekriteoff.....(didnt say that on phone)
The sooner people realise what a con smart meters are the better. Refuse to have one, some people will want one as they have a digital display screen & are "free". Well, they are not free, the cost isn't borne by the energy companies, its paid for via your bills, and all these reimbursements for cut offs etc are also added to bills as they want to keep shareholders sweet. Sorry to the OP for my "rant", but I detest smart meters, & hope your grandmother gets well treated.

So what's the solution?
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