Smart meter with gravity fed system

Do note though, smart meters aren't all they are cracked up to be, according to reports there are currently ~4 million new series 2 (SMET2) types that don't work properly or at all.

Many, most, all of the problems will be simple ones, such as failure to communicate readings back to base, in home displays strugling to work, and just the displays failing to show readings - though the meters still report. Complete failures of the meters, where no readings are possible, are quite rare.
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Many, most, all of the problems will be simple ones, such as failure to communicate readings back to base, in home displays strugling to work, and just the displays failing to show readings - though the meters still report
Yeah but that defeats the purpose.

Why anyone wants to leave one of the more expensive monthly outlays in recent times to companies that are notoriously unscrupulous, when the technology isn't of a reasonably quality, escapes me.
Even the transporters don't replace smart with smart when there's an issue with the meter, they replace with standard non smart meters, what does that say for their confidence in the hardware.

I have no issue with tech when it works properly and it follows acceptable failure rates but when at least 1/3rd don't (UK GOV assessment, who are actually driving this rollout) then the tech just isn't there yet and it's another case of the lobbying privatised tail wagging the dog.
Even the transporters don't replace smart with smart when there's an issue with the meter, they replace with standard non smart meters, what does that say for their confidence in the hardware.

So far as I am aware, there is no such thing as none-Smart meters being installed, just the same Smart meters, but not used as smart ones..
I recently had one replaced due to age at my workshop. It was a Pre-pay one that a previous tenant had fitted. It was showing around £40 credit when the screen went blank. When they fitted a new one, the engineer read the old one with a laptop to credit it on to the new one and it had over £200 more on it than what was showing. I didn’t complain- still got around £100 left on it as I rarely use it these days.
still takes daily standing charge off credit though
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So far as I am aware, there is no such thing as none-Smart meters being installed, just the same Smart meters, but not used as smart ones..
Certainly is - a couple of weeks I was called to a Logic not firing, 4mb working, was found to be water in the nice new recently installed L&G smart meter.

SGN came along and pulled it out and replaced it with a bog standard metric G4, as that's 'what he had on the van', he then confirmed that all their swap out meters are either non smart or dumb smart meters, depending on what they are carrying.
That’s right. 90% of my spend is standing charge.
used to cause no end of hassle houses empty for months
new tenant puts 20/30 quid onto card by meter and it basically takes the majority of it for standing charge thats not been paid . Then the moaning begins ;)

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