So are we all equal ?

If the queen was to offer to swop me all of her finest bone china cups for my worlds best dad mug I'd tell her to keep them.

Sorry mate, but yours is a fake. I've got the original one. :LOL:
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I must admit to being a tadge riled when some swamp donkey bashed her car door into mine trying to negotiate her lard a**e out of her car and told me to "get over it"
So lets get this right, the swampo asked you to get over her lard arse :?:
You must have been tempted :eek:
No not that severe, it's that some of us have a common sense attitude to being civil to whoever we may encounter and adjust accordingly.
As I did, let 3 of her tyres down out of shot of the cctv.
Don''t know why I just thought I would, so in a way I'm as bad as her.
I hope you left them completely flat - or the car would`ve been driven in a dangerous state :idea:
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When we are certain positions we are equal, say on a toilet, but some people don't have one. So, thats blown that theory. I guess if you take all situations then one would always find the difference somewhere,somebody,something, etc.,

Anyway as a guide I googled 'are we equal' and got 130,000,000 hits.

It'll be interesting to see where we go with this one :LOL: :LOL:
I guess if your walking through a field full of land mines with a blind fold on, that could level the playing field.
animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.
A proclamation by the pigs who control the government in the novel Animal Farm, by George Orwell. The sentence is a comment on the hypocrisy of governments that proclaim the absolute equality of their citizens but give power and privileges to a small elite.
I think I understand what Orwell meant by this.
I must admit to being a tadge riled when some swamp donkey bashed her car door into mine trying to negotiate her lard a**e out of her car and told me to "get over it"
So lets get this right, the swampo asked you to get over her lard a**e :?:
You must have been tempted :eek:

You had to see it she only had the F and O visible on her arse out of California printed on her delightfully hand crafted trackies.(obviously a new size I haven't heard of)
Fart and give us a clue would have been a waste of time. :eek:

IM BETTER THEN YOU.............................

AND YOUR BETTER THEN ME.....................

so maybe we are :D
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