So come on, pick Boris's successor.

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Surella wossername wants to clamp down on all those benefits scroungers to finance tax cuts. She probably thinks it's 30% of the population.
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Whatever floats your boat...

I'm for Nautical Penny, she can't just float boats, she can then go on and captain them.

seriously though, would we have the best looking Prime Minister / President in the world ?
I don't want to f*?k them, just want them to do a good job of running the country, with no scandals and buffoonery...
Are there any conservatives to vote for?

I can only see people who want to lock us in our houses, flood us with foreigners, arm foreign countries, tax us to the hilt, make us wear masks, put us in perpetual debt and surrender decisions to foreign powers.

WHY would anyone vote for any of these people given what they have done to us? I realise there is no legal alternative, but you really should not go along with this charade.

Show me another party that's any different?
Rees-Mogg. At least his speeches will be entertaining.
absolutely No Way..!

I couldn't vote for a party with that out of touch with the real world as leader. Sadly, I think his talking manner appeals to 'the English Country Lady Gentlemen ' type who also vote Conservative for all the wrong reasons. I'm sure there are some right reasons but struggling to think of any at present.
I suspect the 5p off fuel duty wasn't ever passed on to consumers,
It was but prices went up too quickly to notice it. Latest mention anyway. Now some are wondering about the variation across the country. Rural areas in particular.
It was but prices went up too quickly to notice it. Latest mention anyway. Now some are wondering about the variation across the country. Rural areas in particular.
Of interest

Strange isn't it.
I don't want to f*?k them, just want them to do a good job of running the country, with no scandals and buffoonery...
Politicians running the country with no scandals and buffoonery... dream on. I have no faith in any of them, so may as well have a good looking one.
Very. When I noticed the barrel price a few weeks ago I thought I've seen it over $20 a barrel higher with pump prices not far off half their current price.
This is it without inflation adjustment - or untick that if it isn't.

This one is Brent crude

Show me another party that's any different?
I can't, at least not among any of the major parties anywhere in Europe. There are many small, genuinely conservative parties but they will not join together.
When listing crude prices they appear to apply current inflation to previous prices. Some one told me that crude prices have been as high now in the past with cheaper fuel. I think this explains why - only correct when looked at this way.
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