So nice to have free speech....

If it's true that the state-funeral-by-another-name is costing the taxpayer £8 million, and remembering that children, SAHMs, the unemployed, those on benefits, students, and many pensioners don't pay tax, those of us forced to chip in for a politician we despise to hold an event for his predecessor, may feel entitled to express our opinion.
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With the amount of tax you've evaded Jd during your wealth accumlation during the Thatcher era you shouldn't feel too aggrieved at having to chip in.
It's quite funny reading the debates about Maggie... i'm apolitical, and therefore think politics is all about saying the right thing, but not necessarily doing the right thing, and also trying to curry popular favour either by headlines in your 'associated' newspaper, or feeding lines to populous groups, slating the opposition effectively, or pretending you have the answers, but it's all a bit like Xfactor.

I don't vote, or get worked up over it, what's the point? my vote is a bit like me blowing at a rain cloud... and then saying it's raining in the wrong place !!

All this shouting about Maggie is a nonsence, and any armchair politics is simply a waste of your life. If you really want to make a difference (and you didn't go to public school) then either stand as your local MP, or get a job with your local council.

On the Maggie thing, none of you are right... your opinion all depends on the affect she had on your life and you lifestyle !!!
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Only when it goes bust will the Thatcher haters realise how dumb they really are.

We already realise how dumb you really are. :mrgreen:

Says the scouser who thinks others should pay for his heart transplant. :LOL:
It's actually a brain transplant you need. :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

I don't need a heart transplant thanks anyway, and I'd rather need a brain transplant than a brain implant.
On the Maggie thing, none of you are right... your opinion all depends on the affect she had on your life and you lifestyle !

No your opinion of her depends on your social conscience if you've got one.
No, it's about respect for the dead. Some of us - the more mature, I suspect - wouldn't dream of slating someone who has just died, irrespective of whether or not we agreed with them.

Sooey has no respect for anyone (dead or alive) Surely you've realised this before now. (keep watching for when Blair 's number is up) ;) ;) ;)
Wrong, I respect people who have earned it. Blair doesn't come into that category btw.
On the Maggie thing, none of you are right... your opinion all depends on the affect she had on your life and you lifestyle !!!

Then we are right and you're wrong.

That is very true sir.

But i live by the mantra that i can't change any big things, but i can alter the way my life is around me.. that's a better focus for me that getting worked up over the cost of a state funeral !!
If it's true that the state-funeral-by-another-name is costing the taxpayer £8 million, and remembering that children, SAHMs, the unemployed, those on benefits, students, and many pensioners don't pay tax, those of us forced to chip in for a politician we despise to hold an event for his predecessor, may feel entitled to express our opinion.

My only source of satisfaction about all the vitriol thats has spewed forth about Maggie is that all the haters will be sick to think that to pay for her funeral they 1118 of them will have to be kicked off jobseekers for the next year.
You should get your ticker checked out anyway sooey.
Lazy lethargic people like you who expect others to feather your nest can just drop dead in an instant.

And we wouldn't want that as we don't want anymore threads started calling for celebrations. :LOL:
Only when it goes bust will the Thatcher haters realise how dumb they really are.

That's true.

The people who almost destroyed this country were Blair and Brown. Unfortunately, it is quite likely that Labour will get in again next time and finish off their 'good work'.

I mustn't complain, though. I'm 60 now and in the short term I think I might benefit from their 'spend, spend, spend' philosophy (although I'll not vote for them on principle - UKIP is the answer to this country's problems). I feel sorry for younger people, though.
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