So, what are we doing Friday.

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Assuming that ryler put them in order of importance:
Not ruled by dictators.

We aren't ruled by dictators now. Silly ryler lives in a world of fantasy. In the UK, Parliament is the supreme power (though Buffoon Boris didn't like that when it overruled him).
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We choose our own path without interference.

This is so vague as to be meaningless. I wonder what ryler means. Does he mean we will be free to export to the USA without their agreement? Or that we can set our own terms in dealing with them?

When we sign a treaty with world superpower China, does he think that Britain the minnow will have the upper hand?
We ensure that we keep our currency.

ryler is making a little joke here. We have the pound and nobody is taking it away. Did he believe something that farage said?
The EU is looking to bring Albania into. The club :eek:

More spongers

And exports of horse meat dressed up. As beef :LOL:
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You forgot to mention the shiny new 50 pence pieces.

Ah, but you havent seen the tea towels

We are £9 billion better off each year.
Feckinnell, who taught you math's? The UK is hundreds of billions worse of as a result of Brexit and we haven't even left yet. In 11 months when we forgo all the benefits of the EU and IF we leave without a deal, your 9 billion will look like chump change boyo.

£9 billion, lol.
Not ruled by dictators.
We choose our own path without interference.
We ensure that we keep our currency.
We are free from further eu integration.
We gain control of our borders.
We are £9 billion better off each year.

The eu is a con. You have a central government practicing usury on its own citizens, profiting from them getting poorer. That is the eurozone.
The eu is a con because of immigration where the eu continues to actively neglect the needs of Europeans.
And has fueled ethnic and religious hatred.
The eu is a con as it takes away the sovereignty of individual nations in order to make decisions for nations as a whole. Don’t believe me? watch your beloved dictator Guy Verhofstadt in action .......
Scotland will just love that guy.LoL
The eu is a con because the commissionars are not accountable. Voters have no say on what these dictators tell us to do.
It makes the legislative process remote, and unresponsive to people’s needs.
The eu is a con because of the drunkard president junker.
He has no experience, nor qualifications in being the head of the legislature of 28 European countries and 513 million people.And yet you left wing returds find the time to berate trump.
And the eu is a con because a member state has seen sense and is about to leave.
Their is no benefit to being in the eu. Never was and never will be.
It was an illusion. You were conned by the biggest group of fraudsters in history.
It was never thought out properly. It was a knee jerk reaction to WW2.
A money spinner for an european elitist cartel.

A pointless rant, not backed up by evidence, facts or reason.
Feckinnell, who taught you math's? The UK is hundreds of billions worse of as a result of Brexit and we haven't even left yet. In 11 months when we forgo all the benefits of the EU and IF we leave without a deal, your 9 billion will look like chump change boyo.

Which just proves we should never have joined boyo.
Assuming that ryler put them in order of importance:

We aren't ruled by dictators now. Silly ryler lives in a world of fantasy. In the UK, Parliament is the supreme power (though Buffoon Boris didn't like that when it overruled him).

Actually, you're wrong. In this country, PEOPLE are the supreme power. Friday 31st 11pm proves that.
The UK is hundreds of billions worse of as a result of Brexit and we haven't even left yet.

A useful idiot for the remain campaign if nothing else, but really noseall, you do realise we're no longer a member in two days time.
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