I'm certainly not retired, and I don't earn as much money as I would if I was not such a prolific poster here! The trouble is that I spend much of my life sitting in front of a computer these days, and reacting to notifications of new posts in this forum becomes pretty addictiven- at least, for me. I suppose it's a useful periodic rest from 'real work', but I do too much of itPS The prolific posters on here (BAS, PBD, JOHNW2(!) etc etc) must be retired or earn a lot of money to have enough spare time to post as they do!
I've never made any secret of the fact that I'm definitely not an electrician, or anything like it - so I guess that makes me a 'DIYer', even if a rather atypical one. I've been dabbling with things electrical and electronic since my very early teens (hence for nearly 50 years), but (most of) my (complex and varied!) education/training and (complex/multiphase!) work/careers have been about as far from anything 'electrical' as they could beSo what is your position John?
Kind Regards, John