social kidnappers

  • Thread starter confidentincompetent
  • Start date


I can't think of anything more horrific than having a child taken from you by the state. Seemingly on the flimsiest of excuses with no chance of defending yourself, and all done in secret.
I wonder what comparison they use when deciding these cases. They seem (if the press is to be believed) to pick on vunerable people who are slow to fight back anyhow! I would like to know just what the fks going on in this country. In any other country this would be called child trafficking.
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There have been many publicised cases where children have been taken into care.

Were you thinking of any particular one confidentincompetent?
Well yes julie! I was refering to the daily mail reporting of essex social workers taking children into care and putting them up for adoption soley to boost adoption targets set by the goverment. Apparently social workers are selecting 'slow' couples and getting court orders to take these kids away never to be seen again by the parents and! as it is a family court held in camera with all press etc gagged, the social workers win every time on the flimsiest of excuses.
Now if they were taking Gypsy babies I could understand that or! that slut who went off to turkey abandoning one of her five children by five different guys. why did they let her keep her kids?? too hard a Target?
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