Sockets that know if it is green energy being used.

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I watched about half of video, I know designed for office, but we have similar in the home. Mihome-used-crop.jpg I can control some sockets remotely and heating, so the cabinet display can auto switch off at bed time, and I can monitor some sockets use.

This upload_2022-4-10_10-58-11.png for example is power used by a heater that keeps my formentor at correct temperature, I use it so see if switching on/off, if it is then warm enough, if not need more insulation around it. I also use the sockets to show when battery charger has finished, and test fridge/freezer every so often.

However had problems with smart sockets, one seemed to convert its self into a flasher unit, and clearly don't want a socket switching off a freezer. The result is reduction in hard wired units, and instead plug in units, and I have found the zigbee units report on/off where most of my energenie units don't report their state.

I have removed 3 smart light switches, and one smart socket in 2 years due to faults, so they admit they only expect they system to work for 10 years and it pays for its self in 4 years, what I would be interested in would be the man hours required to replace faulty items in the system.

I moved to smart bulbs from smart switches as it takes a lot of time and energy to renew a light switch or socket, compared with swap a bulb or socket adaptor.

I have found yes I do use more power than needed, as he pointed out stand-by we assume less than one watt, but some items take a lot more, in his case the copier, in my case the sky box, finding the sky box used 20 watt on stand-by was a surprise, it keeps the LNB powered to be able to alter times when broadcast times alter, however my used of power monitoring sockets has high lighted where power is used, but once high lighted there is not need to continue monitoring.

We can clearly use energy trying to save it, be it bird lime on cloths so need rewashing or too short of wash cycle on dish washer so used second time, or tumble drier did not dry cloths fully and now have a mouldy odour so need rewashing.

OK this is domestic and he is aiming at commercial, but commercial the cost of a power failure can be really high, it likely costs around £20 an hour for even the lowest paid office worker, if some one highly skilled then can be looking at £1000 per hour, if that worker has to wait for a faulty socket to be changed to be able to work, they is a tendency to sweep this loss under the carpet.

But when I was working for a labour intensive firm the big problem for maintenance staff was to prioritise which break down to target first, 8 people verse 20 people but likely 5 minutes to fix v 20 minutes to fix, and the last thing any commercial building wants is more stuff which can fail.

Where computers were used we had to give 5 minutes warning telling them to "log off", sound like a swear word, before we cut power, but some times things went wrong, and some one would lose 3 hours work, OK they should have backed up, but last thing you want is a socket supplying a computer to auto switch off.

I think from memory allowed one hour to get work place to temperature, and an office needs to be at least 16°C and a warehouse 13°C however I know I have worked in a warehouse kept at 4°C and -18°C when working for Iceland, clearly to keep food fresh, and florist shops are also kept quite cool. But if the worker needs a heater under their desk, the question should be what is wrong with the heating system not how to auto turn it off.


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Primarily a system to capture data which can be sold to whoever wants it.
Any energy saving is a secondary concern.

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