Solar powered garage light solution

cool.. think I might use this idea to put 240v on the shed handle when you open the door.. keyswitch hidden to turn it off...

that'll stop the theiving gits round here...
Does there need to be anything in the circuit to prevent the battery being over charged?

Regulators are available from Maplins

I use a solar panel on my boat to keep batteries topped up using a charge splitter and regulator.
ColJack said:
cool.. think I might use this idea to put 240v on the shed handle when you open the door.. keyswitch hidden to turn it off...

that'll stop the theiving gits round here...
why stop at 240v, take the feed from the florescent light not sure of the voltage but its kV's.

I am going to put an alarm on my garage (detached no power) and am planning on doing similar to the op to keep a mobile charged that will phone me when the alarm goes off, hadnt considered lights until this topic started, i had already considered making the handle live though but decided against as its likely to backfire, lol. (although i do know someone who used to leave his car body connected to 240V when his car was in his garage and he was on holiday)
There was a long-running debate over electrocuting burglars a while ago. Wonder if someone will dig it up!
Solar panels are very beneficial for us because this heat and energy from sun is free.

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