This is what I've got - according to the compatibility thing, I could run either 32 or 64 bit
Intel(R) Core 2 Duo P8700 @ 2.53GHz
NVIDIA Quadro NVS 160M
Go ahead and run 64-bit on that.
This is what I've got - according to the compatibility thing, I could run either 32 or 64 bit
Intel(R) Core 2 Duo P8700 @ 2.53GHz
NVIDIA Quadro NVS 160M
Cheers. Crucial have 240GB for 82 quid which seems like a good price. Away to check your links out too.
I was going to see if my old drive would fit my niece's laptop (hers is an older model than mine) - she's only got a 60GB hdd and needs more storage. She might get a SSD in the future but me first!! LOL
I've got all my drivers backed up - I'm a bit of a weirdo and like to have a good clean up of my hard drive every now and again
I'm still running XP and I know I should upgrade but the brief foray I've had on Win 7, I didn't like it - it was all these bloomin boxes asking if I was sure if I wanted to do something - I'm not that much of an idiot! LOL That's part of the reason I didn't like it. Plus I hate having to get to grips with new software.
What you need to check for is win 7 driver availability because your laptop might not have any if it is more than a few years old. There might be some microsoft drivers at a push.
There is a Win XP compatibility mode in Win 7.
What you need to check for is win 7 driver availability because your laptop might not have any if it is more than a few years old. There might be some microsoft drivers at a push.