Speeding Policeman

keyplayer said:
Well I disagree. Track days can be restricted to vehicles that go nowhere but the track.
They can, but they aren't.

Speed limits should be in place everywhere.
But they aren't, are they. And addressing that "should" by stopping the sale of cars that can go "too fast" is AAF.

Presumably you would allow cars to be made capable of 70mph?

But that means that people could exceed the speed limit on all sorts of roads if they chose...

And do you think it would be right that that would mean people going to France on holiday could not drive at the posted speed limit there, with all that that entails regarding safely co-existing with other traffic on motorways?

Ditto Germany to a much greater degree?

Do you think it right that we should try to influence speed limit policy in other countries by regulating what vehicles can be sold here?

Where do you stand on Mr Hamilton's antics?
They were outrageous, and if the police had done their job properly they would never have happened.

Would you bring back handguns?
Absolutely. In an instant. I'll have a SIG GSR, please, and maybe a P210. And a Ruger Blackhawk.
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Police drivers are supposed to be able to handle cars at high speed. A racing driver accquantaince of mine recently supervised a team of expert police drivers at silvertone, and pronounced them as absolutely sh**e at driving quickly

like to see him drive on a shout through the middle of a busy city avoiding all the problems in front of you, planning your route as you go, listening to ever changing information on a couple of radios and trying to work out a plan of action for when they get there. Oh and heaven help him if he had to follow someone and give a commentry as well. Track driving at speed is totally different.

regarding the German autobahns ....a real wacky races affair , lol especially driving in a army landrover not in convoy ... YIKES :(

well said .. I have seen these Car Wars shows on Sky an the cops are very responsible who do this driving ..
lets put it this way , I want them to enforce the Law an catch car thieves /thugs ...
I want them there if I or my better half is ringing a 999 call ..
I want them to be at that accident scene/bump ...

I think they do very well .. we are quick to tear them apart but when all said an done they do a thankless job at times ... WELL DONE :)
im not saying i agree with what the guy did, especially in an unmarked car. Training is essential, but he didnt do it in the right way and now hes been caught so well see what happens
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Thermo said:
Training is essential, but he didnt do it in the right way

That's the only problem I have with it. I am glad we have police cars capable of 160mph, I might one day be at the other end of a motorway to the nearest police station when I need the police! But, whilst training to the full envelope of the vehicle is required, that's no excuse to take the law into his own hands and blat about. He had the video recorder on, can he honestly say his intention wasn't to use it to show off to the boys back at the station?

In fact, I hope the car wasn't at full pelt: as a taxpayer I think the Vectra GSI's I pay for should be tuned. A few years ago there was a Home Office customer that purchased a fleet of Cavalier GSI Turbos of a rather spicy nature, let's hope that tradition has continued!:cool:
Just proves that police personnel can be guilty of wrongdoing!