jtaunton said:As a wise man once said 'Weaselling out of things is what sets us apart from the animals. Except for the Weasel....'
Try asking for the GATSO's calibration certificate before you decide whether to contest it or not. If its too much hassle they may drop it.
Gatso or representatives calibrate the sensing, then certificate .. did you know the operator can alter the time delay twixt flashes ? Apparently (need proof) this shows on photo as 0.5 sec whatever it is actually set at.
The range is said to be 0.5 to 0.7 secs ... So if the radar fires the first flash, the time lag precedes the second .... how far have you travelled in the 0.5sec, or might it be longer, time period ? ..Pluck the Geese with the minimum of hissing..