2 metres gap for markings, I believe. ( have to verify 'on the road' )
From the Cops manual... Gatsometers
Camera evidence to be within 10% of Radar.
Radar to be within 2 mph of actual, to 60mph, then within 2%.
I guess that is where the 10% + 2mph advisory camera set point - under threat - is derived from. ...
30 = 30+3+2=35
I believe the calibration sets / checks that the radar works within ±2mph x a factor less than 1.
The cam flash delay and pix interpretation is a moot point... Tis said that pix always shows 0.5 secs but flash delay is operator adjustable between 0.5 to 0.7 sec.
If one was driving at actual 35 radar at -2 mph or -2% and cam -10% of radar... (35 - 2) x 0.90 = 29.7
At 78 x 0.98 x 0.9 = 68.8 and 80 x 0.98 x 0.9 = 70.6
The above examples lead to the choice, imho of 35 and 78 to 80 being NIP levels which we read about....
Cam tested at true 70mph could read, and remain on edge of calib limits, (70-2) x 0.9 = 61.2 mph or at the other end of scale (70+2) x 1.1 = 79.2 mph Guess lawyers would have a field day, if involved of course...
Calibration means that at the time of test the machine was within limits -- no mention of verification of performance as recieved at lab -- perhaps the old 'work log' may be revealing too !! Or is the Gatsometer a perfect instrument ???
The camera is supposed to be
the stand alone verification of the radar .. Now if someone twiddles the 'pot' (it is suggested this can be done) extending the flash delay ... perhaps to make camera within 10% of radar based on several recent non verified 'flashings' They
could be adjusting the cam to match an out of tolerance radar, of course not altering the calibrated radar ... A useful managerial ploy .... Who would ever know ?
Maybe the Lab should verify the Cam prior to Calibration ..
Wide open to fiddling I reckon.... But allowed due to speedcam euphoria.