Speeding up PC/updating

30 Jun 2009
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United Kingdom
I want to speed up my PC.
Would like to maybe add extra memory and even consider updating the operating system.
Is this easy to do. the PC is about 8 years old, but in good nick.
Almost complete novice, so no baffling me with over technical terms.
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Start by telling us what you have in detail, your budget and what you would like to achieve.

8 years is quite old in the PC world and it's possible that a new one would work out more cost efective.
Microsoft XP Pro version 2002, service pack 2.
Pentium R 4 CPU
3.40 GHz
1.0 GB of Ram.
I would like it to be a bit quicker and I would like the life span of the computer to be able to sustain(for a little longer) the ever evolving technical times
Not sure what a sensible price would be before considering a new purchase.
We would need to know model numbers of the system unit, or at least the motherboard before givng you upgrade options.

To be honest, I doubt you will achieve blinding results by upgrading, so you would need to indicate what applications are running slow.

Some idea of how much money you can apply to the project would dictate what is possible.

If you haven't reloaded your system for some time, you will probably find a fresh install will achieve better results that adding hardware, given the age of the system.
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Cant really add much to Igorians good advice apart from perhaps just starting again, apart from the case as long as it has mounting points for newer motherboards id get a new one for 300sheets. Otherwise as advised fresh install to couteract 'OS fatigue' and another gig of ram to relieve any excess paging with additional open apps keeping all your apps in RAM and not swapping onto disk (using Hard disk as virtual ram is much slower).
System number is PX633AA
Product No is SR1460UK
Pressaro SR1000
If that helps don't have scoobie, about the motherboard.
I recently had the OS reinstalled, to be truthful, it is a lot better.
Just thought it might be worth putting a bit more RAM on or trying a newer OS.
I mainly use is for my business, files/ folders of contacts, suppliers, quotes invoices etc... and some publications. Don't do downloads of films, games, music etc...
You will have to find out how much RAM the motherboard supports. It it's 8 years old it should support 2GB at least. If you're lucky it might support 3 or 4GB. Have you checked out how many RAM slots there are?
The Processor also plays a major part in the speed of your PC. and this one isn't bad for an 8 year old machine.
Click on the 'scan my system' button
Cheers LooPrEvil,
Done the scan and the results are in:

Memory Type: DDR PC3200, DDR (non-ECC)
Maximum Memory: 4GB
Currently Installed Memory: 1GB
Total Memory Slots: 4
Available Memory Slots: 2
DDR PC3200

Each memory slot can hold DDR PC3200 with a maximum of 1GB per slot.*
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