In a way I think you have a point. Don't get me wrong, I think it's good that people investigate our past and if they want to attribute and assert things to whatever they find, fair enough. However, it would be good if we could go back in time to decipher just how accurate they were. Look at dinosaurs, in more recent history they've said past interpretations of how they looked were wrong, and that some dinosaurs were covered in feathers etc. Expert opinion changes as the decades come and go, however much of it ... even with advances in science ... is surely still a best guess, albeit an expert best guesshow about stonhenge was put up by a bunch of people for some thing to do , a sort of neaderthal folly
I go past on a fairly regular basis ,,some times in the summer the
place is packed out
no I dunno why either , perhaps they are seeking spiritual enlightement the meaning of life connecting with some alien life form
load of ball cocks imo
It could very well be for a purpose that we, today, would consider a about stonhenge was put up by a bunch of people for some thing to do , a sort of neaderthal folly
“Fancy a stroll to Wales to get some huge rocks to build a thing?”how about stonhenge was put up by a bunch of people for some thing to do , a sort of neaderthal folly
I go past on a fairly regular basis ,,some times in the summer the
place is packed out
no I dunno why either , perhaps they are seeking spiritual enlightement the meaning of life connecting with some alien life form
load of ball cocks imo
Stonehenge A British Icon. Here before the Anglo Saxons, Normans, Roman’s… Built by
Tanned foreigners to all you Brexit ****s
Numb nuts! Check it out! The builders of Stonehenge look nothing like the gammony flag hoisting Brexit, trump Putin admiring middle Englanders that hoist their chinese made British flags from their wonderfully large gardens. Remember we’re only chatting because the pioneers of freedom of right wing and conservative speech can’t handle the truthYour own illness dictates that you cannot possibly understand just how racist your 'try to get one over the racists' comment actually is.
I appreciate that you are only here to elicit a reaction, & any reaction will do won't it ? Even the negative ones.
Deep inside your illness you are blissfully unaware of the very many differences between expressing a respected opinion & just expressing an opinion to feed your need for a response. Because your illness is rooted in the fact that you have never enjoyed much in the way of responses to your positive postings, you have turned to negative posts instead.
Did 'mummy' reject you? Did 'daddy' butfuk you?
Please seek help & please do it soon. You are clearly on a downwards spiral that can only end in tears.